10. he likes you

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Jazmin's Point of View

"are you guys dating?"

those words pounded in my head. what the hell is he talking about? i would never go out with guy like adrian. either way, he has a girlfriend!

"what-" i tried saying.

"answer me jazmin!"

"no! why would i be dating him? he has a girlfriend for gods sake!" i whisper-yelled. there was still a couple people in the hallway.

"i knew it, he wouldn't be attracted to her." he muttered.

this really hurt me. why would jesus say something like that?

"why wouldn't he be attracted to me?" i asked on the verge of tears.

"u-i i didn't mean it. i-i swear" he stuttered.

"forget it" i croaked.

i rushed into math class with my head down; not making eye contact with anyone. what jesus said really hurt. he knows how insecure i am. he knows i lose my self esteem just by making eye contact with an attractive person. he knows basically everything! why would he say this to me?!

the final bell rung and jesus walked in. he looked upset, but i'm the one who should be upset!

the teacher went over a lesson and then gave us a packet to work on it. the packet was pretty easy but i was getting distracted because everyone was talking really loud.

"psst" i hear.

i turn around and jesus was signaling me for my attention. he whispered something but i couldn't quite hear. but i'm a really good lip reader so he said, "let me explain." i quickly turned around and tears started to form in my eyes.

i only talk to adrian to talk about how i'm feeling towards jesus. i told him all that has been happening and he thinks i'm starting to like him. i'm not sure yet though. we're best friends and i'd like to keep it that way.

sometimes i blush around adrian too. not because i like him, it's because he always compliments me when it comes something from my hair, or my outfit. i don't get many compliments so.. they pretty much just make my day.

i raised my hand and asked the teacher to go to the restroom. when she let me go, i quickly rushed in there and broke down. i never knew someone who you love so much can break your heart in just a matter of seconds.


when i calmed down, i looked in the mirror and wiped my eyes. "be strong jazmin. you can do this" i told my self, "slay that hoe."

i walked backed to class. jesus was standing right outside the door. he grabbed my hands, softly this time. "can we talk about this please?"

"jesus i have a question"


"why would you say that?"


i cut him off, "you know i'm insecure, you know everything jesus! why?"

"i didn't mean it, i swear! i was just jea- nevermind" he muttered the last part.

"jealous? why would you be jealous?"

"i-um i have to go.."

"but.. jesus wait!" i couldn't catch up to him because i had to go back to class.

i went back inside and continued 'working' on my packet. i couldn't help but think of what jesus 'almost' said. why would he be jealous though? especially with me.

Alya's Point of View (finally!)

it was now sixth period. the last period of the day! i have dance with jazmin this period. instead of pe, we got to choose dance.

i waited for her outside the locker rooms so we can walk together. she was walking my way and she seemed kind of.. down.

"hey what's wrong?" i asked as we walked into the locker room.

"jesus" she sighed.

i opened my locker and took out my black leggings and white shirt. i quickly changed into them and waited for jazmin.

"what about jesus?" i asked.

"he asked me if me and adrian are dating."

"but adrian has a girlfriend doesn't he?" i asked

"yeah, he does.." she trailed off.

"come on ladies!" yelled one of the pe teachers.

we gathered our stuff and walked out the locker room. we then went inside the dance room since it was already open.

"so what else happened," i asked curiously.

"he said.. that a guy like adrian wouldn't be attracted to me" tears formed in her eyes, "i mean, it's not like i like adrian or anything but the thing is that both you and jesus know how insecure i am and don't even know anymore"

"you think he was jealous?"

"i think so.. but why?"

"he likes you," i blurted.

anotha cliffhanger ;)
still love you though❤️
- jazmin

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