07. safe and sound

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a/n there's a song up there it's called "safe and sound" it was originally from taylor swift but this is the sabrina carpenter version

Jesus' Point of View

i was awoken from the sound of my phone vibrating on my night stand. someone was calling me. i squinted as i looked over and the name read: jazmin🌹❤️.

my thumb pressed the green button and put my phone over my ear.

"hello?" i said sleepily. i glanced at the time, 2:45 am.

my heart sunk, as i heard sobbing and sniffling.

"j-jazmin are you okay?" i asked worriedly.

"j-jesus i-i... i need you."

my heart was racing at this moment.

"give a couple minutes just hang on."

"hurry... please." was the last thing i heard.

i only had pajama pants on so i threw on a black hoodie. i walked out of my room and then saw my moms room door. i think i should tell her. she would be worried sick if she saw that i wasn't home. my mom was pretty chill at times, so i hope she would understand.

i opened the door and walked over to her bed. i softly tapped on her shoulder hoping she would wake up.

"mom? i'm going to jazmin's house."

"mijo it's almost three in the morning!"

"but mom she needs me, please, let me go."

"fine but be careful! i don't want anything bad to happen to you! it's a school night and if you don't want to wake up tomorrow, that's your problem not mine."

"okay but... i might sleep over."

"make sure to bring some clothes to school tomorrow then."

"thank you mom!" i kissed her on the cheek and ran to my room. i grabbed my backpack and stuffed some jeans and an extra hoodie.

i ran out the front door and started
to run to jazmin's house. once i got there, i grabbed the spare key they had under the door mat and opened the door. i tip-toed up the stairs; trying not to make any noise that will awaken joel.

my shaky hand rested upon her knob and twisted it. there she sat, her back against her headboard with her knees pulled into her chest. her hands were over her mouth making sure not to let loud sobs escape from her mouth. tears ran down her splotchy pink cheeks.

"oh jazmin." i whispered.

she looked up and she ran to me. she jumped into my arms and wrapped her arms around my neck as i held the backs of her thighs that were resting loosely on my waist. her head rested on the crook of my neck as mine rested on her shoulder. shivers ran down my spine as her warm breath hit my neck.

"shhh jazmin. it's gonna be okay." i cooed.

"why?" i asked.

"b-bad...t-" she tried saying.

"bad thoughts?" i asked.

she lifted her head from my shoulder and looked at me into the eyes and nodded. her eyes were blood shot red, clearly she'd been crying for a long time now.

"come on, let me sing you a song..."

i laid her back down on her bed and i crawled in after her her.

i wrapped my arms around her waist and started to sing softly, "i remember tears streaming down your face
when i said, 'i'll never let you go'
when all those shadows almost killed your light
i remember you said, 'Don't leave me here alone'
but all that's dead and gone and passed tonight

just close your eyes
the sun is going down
you'll be alright
no one can hurt you now
come morning light
you and I'll be safe and sound

don't you dare look out your window, darling,
everything's on fire
the war outside your door keeps raging on
hold on to this lullaby
even when the music's gone

just close your eyes
the sun is going down
you'll be alright
no one can hurt you now
come morning light
you and I'll be safe and sound

Just close your eyes
You'll be alright
Come morning light,
You and I'll be safe and sound."

she had calmed down after. i took off my hoodie, leaving me shirtless, and i wrapped my arms around her waist once again.

i started to observe her features; one of my favorite things to do. soon enough, my eyelids felt heavier as the minutes passed. eventually, i fell asleep.

so this was kinda bad,
kinda depressing, so i'm sorry
for that😬😬 don't forget to vote
and comment for more :-)
- jazmin

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