20: flushed cheeks

111 14 14

Grayson's Point of View

"Just shut the fuck up already!"

I turn to my side and see Jazmin standing from a table and leaving. Alya? I think that's her name, and some other guy that's sitting there look really shocked. Well at least Alya looks shocked. That guy... I don't know. I guess he looks sad or i don't know, but I don't even know him so why am I stressing over it?

Anyway, something tells me to go talk to Jazmin so I get up from the table and say, "I'll be back."

Everyone looked at me weirdly, but they said okay. I started to walk in the direction Jazmin was going. I finally caught up to her, I tapped on her shoulder. I think she got startled, because she flinched and quickly turned around. Weird.

"Oh.. hey" she said.

I was going to ask her about what happened with her friends but I decided not to.

"Why aren't you with Joel and the rest?" she asked, mumbling.

"Oh I saw you walk by and I decided to come and talk to you," I lied.

Jazmin's Point of View

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I got scared and I turned around. It was Grayson. I'm not exactly sure why I get really scared when someone touches me. Even if it's just a tap.

Of course while I was talking to Grayson, I was mumbling the whole time. At least he didn't ask me to speak up, I thought. I don't really like it when people say that to me.

The bell rung indicating that lunch was over. As soon as everybody started walking to class Grayson asked, "Do you want me to take you to your class?"

"Um.. no it's okay, I don't want you to be late." I murmured as I turned around.

Like last time, he grabbed my wrist and turned me around. What's with it with people grabbing my wrist?

"No, it's okay. Let me walk you, please?" he said.

"Okay, fine."

I already had my notebook in my backpack for science, so I did not have to stop by my locker. We walked in silence, until we reached the door of the classroom.

We stopped in front of the door and before any of us could speak up, Jesus quickly ran in the middle of us and into class. I wonder what's the rush.

"So about our dinner date..."

"Yeah?" I said.

"So is Friday night okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, of course.. anyway thank you for walking me to class." I said with a half-smile.

"Okay and no problem," He smiled before he took off.

I took a deep breath, and I opened the door. My head hung down as I made my way to my seat. I didn't want to make eye contact with any one.

Especially Jesus.

I sat down, and I turned to Adrian's empty seat. Maybe he'll be late this time, I thought. Before I could think of anything else, Jace scooted over to Adrian's seat and he said, "He's not here today."

"Shoot I really needed to talk to him."


"Nothing." I said.

"So you really need to talk to him about nothing? Sounds pretty interesting." He said.

"Noooo!" I said getting frustrated.

"Then what?"

"I can't tell you.." I trailed off.

"Okay I see how it is." He said putting a hand on his chest and he faked a sniffle.

"Ugh if you really wanna know, I'll text you later!" I said.

"Okay! Okay!" He said as he moved back to his seat.

Science was kind of boring with out Adrian. He's usually the one to start a conversation. Right now, the table is almost quiet.

I put down my pencil and relax a little. I looked up and saw that Jesus was talking to Jace. My heart kind of dropped and I had a weird feeling in my stomach when I saw that Jesus's eyes were puffy. His cheeks were flushed and were stained with what seemed like dried tears. I can tell his voice is a little shaky.

Am I the one who caused this? But I'm just going on a simple dinner 'date'. I didn't think this would   affect him so much. I really really want to talk to him. But he probably hates me now. Class was over and it was time to go to math.

Another class with Jesus.

*skip to math*

We were now writing some notes. I stopped writing because I heard sniffles. I'm scared to turn around.

It's Jesus.

I know it's him.

I slowly turn around. He has his head in his hands.

Oh no.

I feel guilty.

had another writer's block. i'm sorry. hey dj is amazing btw. xx

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