18: dinner date

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Jazmin's Point of View

"Grayson told me that he likes you," Joel said. "In fact, he's coming in a few."

"No, no, no, you're lying, right?" I asked.

"i'm not, Jazmin, he really, truly likes you"

I ran my hand through my hair. I didn't know what to think, I didn't know what to say. All I know is that Grayson likes me.

Why me? I mean Grayson is sweet, and probably the hottest one from Joel's group, but seriously, why me? It could have been one of those blonde rich girls from their grade, but no, it's me. But then, it all made sense. Through out those two weeks that I did not speak to Jesus, he always used to stare at me. He would ask me why I didn't eat my food. He actually cared about m-

My thoughts were cut off by Joel yelling, "Ayee Grayson how you been?" They made this really weird hand shake and he walked in.

"Hey Jazmin" he waved.

I looked up and said "Oh.. um hi" my head hung down again, "I-I have t-to go."

I started to walk away but a hand grabbed my wrist. It felt soft, but I knew it wasn't Jesus's. "Wait Jazmin you don't want to hang out with us?"

"Uh- No I-I have things to d-do" I quickly walked upstairs and into my room. I took a quick shower and changed into some sweatpants and a random white tank top. I laid down and started scrolling through Instagram. I heard the door open so I looked up and Joel and Grayson were standing there with food in their hands.

"What are you guys doing here?' I asked.

"We're gonna watch movies!!" Joel said sounding like a little kid.

"Why here?"

"I dunno I just didn't really want to leave you alone" Joel said.

"Okay I guess" I said grabbing the remote and turning on the tv.

I put netflix on and started scrolling through shows and movies looking for something to watch.

"OOO put mean girls on!!" Joel said.

"Okay Okay" I clicked one the movie and then I started opening up the sour patch kids.

Throughout the movie, Grayson and I had some conversations here and there. He asked me if I wanted to go out to dinner with him next week. I said yes. I just couldn't say no. I mean, I know that I have this 'thing' with Jesus but I want to give it a shot and see what happens.

We had finished watch a couple more movies before Grayson left. Joel smirked at me before he walked out my room. WAIT! Did he plan this? It would make sense though. He told me that Grayson likes me right before he came over. And then he comes over and asks me to go out and get dinner?

- Monday, Lunch Time -

Okay, so right now i am sitting with Jesus and Alya on a table that's almost right next to Joel's  table. Alya seemed tense and Jesus seemed... mad? I'm not really sure why though. I tried to see what Jesus was looking at and- oh no. He's looking at Grayson.

I told them that Joel told me that he likes me, but I have not told them about the 'dinner date.' I have a feeling it would make Jesus even more upset, but he has to find out someway. But i just don't know who to tell him. I should just tell them now and get it over it.

I took a deep breath, "Guys?"

"Hmm?" they hummed not taking an eye off Joel's table.

Come on, Jazmin, you can do this. Just rip the bandage off! I told myself.

"I'm going on a date... with Grayson."

"WAIT WHAT!" they turned towards my way.

I hung my head down. I felt bad for Jesus. I know he likes me, and I like him, but I don't know, i have a feeling I should give Grayson a chance.

"I'm going on a date." I muttered.

"With who?!" They said in together, again.

"Grayson," I muttered again. My head was still hung down. I couldn't dare look at Jesus in the eye right now.

"Jazmin, so you decide to go out with a guy you barely know, but you won't go out with Jesus?" Alya said.

"I wanted to give him a chance" I said softly, like a kid getting a lecture from their parents.

"So you give him a chance but not Jesus?"

Jesus was quiet. He seemed deep in thought.

"I-I jus-"

"I mean come on, Jazmin, you know that Jesus likes you, and we know that you like him back. So why aren't you going out with Jesus already!"

"It's complicated, okay! I already feel bad about this situation enough and you're making me feel even more bad?! Alya, please can you just stop questioning my decisions?"

"Fine, whatever. Date a guy that you don't like back."

"Just shut the fuck up already!" I said and got up from the table and walked away.

EEEK!!! So sorry I couldn't update! I was kind of on a writers block but I'm back! I'll try updating as soon as possible.

- Jazmin

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