14. the plan

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a/n: can we just take a moment on how cute jesus looks in that picture! ^ 😍

Alya's Point of View

while i was washing my hands, i started thinking. maybe me and jesus should make a plan to get them together. maybe not as a couple, but more like friends. like how it used to be. yeahhh.

i dried my hands with a paper towel and walked out of the bathroom. when i saw jesus he looked kind of... down.

"what happened?" i asked.

he looked at me with teary, red eyes. he hesitated at first, but then he whispered, "i-i saw h-her."

"who, jazmin?" i regretted saying her name. because when i did, he nodded quickly as tears slipped out from his eyes.

"oh come here." i pulled him into a hug.

"i-i j-just miss h-her.." he murmured.

"i do too, but look," i pulled away held his two hands, "i have a plan."

he sniffled, "w-what plan?"

"you'll see." i smirked.

i actually haven't thought about a formal plan but i'm hoping that it will bring his hopes up.

he smiled, "okay."

i was thinking maybe i can get jazmin to invite me to her house. but instead of just me coming, jesus can come too. they can talk things out and maybe, just maybe, they can at least become friends again.

Jazmin's Point of View

instead of going back with the boys, i went to my locker. i put in the combination and opened up my locker. i looked through the mess and something caught my attention. it was a small yellow notebook. it's jesus's. i remember him telling me to make a promise saying i'll never look through that notebook. according to him, there are some 'secrets' in there.

i took it out, but i didn't open it. even though we don't talk anymore, i still have to keep that promise. i put it back and i got my composition notebook for my next class and stuffed it in my backpack.

the bell rung, and the hallway filled with students. i took my time getting to science, which was basically across the campus.

i arrived a minute before the bell rang. jesus was already there, and all eyes were on me. i quietly sat down and started to get a pencil out of my backpack. i felt a nudge on my side. i look up and its adrian.

"what's wrong?" he asked.

i have to be honest, when i started getting closer to him, i had a slight crush on him. but then i remembered he has a girlfriend and that's never going to happen.

"nothing, why?" i looked at him into his eyes. we started at each other for a while. nothing else happened, but i can feel jesus's eyes on us.

"just asking, you look a little lost today"

"i do?"


our teacher gave us instructions to this worksheet and we started working on it. like always, me and adrian worked on it together. nothing else really happened. same old thing. i looked up and started to scan the room. then i looked towards jesus; he was already looking at me. i looked back down at my paper and pretended that nothing happened.

• after school •

i walked to the front and saw alya. she saw me too so she started to walk my way.

"hey!" she said.

"hi," i muttered.

"i was wondering if i can go to your house. not like now but maybe later like at... 4:30 ish?"

it has been a long time since we've hung out, so why not?

"sure," i smiled, "call me when you're there."

i walked away not saying anything else. i looked for joel, and i saw in the front with a group of girls. oh no, i thought. one of the girls started to put her hand on his collar, but he took her hand and took it off.

i walked towards him and said, "come on let's go"

he stepped away from the group hoes- oh uh shit, i mean girls, and we started to walk to joel's car.

"how was your day? why did you leave during lunch?"

"it's was okay.. and i didn't wanna be there."

"i was worried," he said.

"oh, well, sorry?"

"it's okay, i guess,"

"oh that reminds me, alya is coming over like around.. four or five, is that okay?"


"yeahhh" i trailed off.

"o-oh that's o-okay."

that's weird. joel has never gotten like this when. i mention alya. i want to ask him what's wrong but something tells me not to.

• 4:00 ? •

text message from alyaaa💕; hey! i'm almost on my way to your house! see u in a bit :-)

to alyaaa💕; okay! text me when you're here

i was currently in my room, laying on my bed. joel was in his room. i have a feeling he doesn't want to be around alya. i'm not sure why, (well first of all i don't even know if that's the real reason).

text message from alyaaa💕; i'm here

i basically jumped up from my bed and walked down stairs. when i reached to the door, i took a deep breath and opened the door. as i opened my mouth to say hi, my breath hitched and nothing came out. jesus was standing right behind alya. was this planned?

hey guys! i'm sorry i haven't updated in a long time i've just been really busy with school.

- jazmin : )

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