31: tired

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jazmin hugged jesus by the waist as he rested his arm on hers. jazmin shivered from the cold weather saying, "we should go inside."

"yes but don't we have to go through joel's window? it's closed."

she looked over to see that joel's window really was closed. she cursed under her breath before throwing a small rock on his window. the small rock caught joel's attention. he opened the window and looked up seeing their feet dangle.

"yes!" jazmin whispered under her breath.

she was the first of the two to get down to the window and jumped right in noticing alya. jesus followed her.

"hey alya if you want you can stay in my room and the boys can sleep here." jazmin offered.

"no, no, no, it's okay i am about to head home."

"you don't want a ride or something? it's late already," jazmin asked.

"no i'm fine. joel already offered to take me but thanks," alya said.

"oh okay well bye and be careful... come on jesus," jazmin said holding his hand and leading him out of the room. joel sighed.

"yes," alya said.

"what?" joel asked, confused.

"i will be your girlfriend," she whispered.

joel stayed silent before he realized what she meant. he gave her a smile and hugged her. alya hugged him back harder craving his touch. joel let go and held her hand, "let's take you home shall we?" she nodded.

meanwhile, jesus and jazmin were in her room getting ready to go to sleep. jazmin walked to her drawer and pulled out some big basketball shorts and handed them to jesus. "thank you," he muttered.

when he went into the bathroom, jazmin took off her bra and threw it in the closet, and changed into some sweatpants.

jesus came back, and jazmin was already laying down covered with the blanket. he sat down and took off his shirt and left on the floor before laying down next to jazmin.

he hugged her by the waist and she instantly fell asleep. he noticed how tired she was of the world. she was tired of making mistakes. and she was tired of her parents not giving her the love she needed. he thought many things about her before drifting off into a very deep sleep.

joel dropped alya off at her house. they did not even notice the time: 1:30 a.m. he hopped off the car walking her to the door. he held her hands and brought them to his face, kissing them. alya blushed. she wasn't used to stuff like this. neither was joel although he did hook up with many girls, he has never felt something so real in his life.

he kissed her goodbye and left. he sped to his house, and crashed on his bed.

- morning

jesus woke up a little earlier than usual. jazmin was still sound asleep. jesus admired the beauty in front of him. her mouth was slightly open as she let out soft snores, but jesus didn't mind. he understood how tired she was.

jazmin furrowed her eyebrows as she moved around the bed. she groaned softly before she opened her eyes completely. jesus smiled at her and began to lean in for a kiss but a hand stopped him.

she smiled innocently, "morning breath."

but jesus didn't care, he leaned in again, but jazmin's hand stopped him again. he pouted, knowing that was jazmin's weakness. she rolled her eyes while removing her hand and giving him a small peck. jesus was satisfied and stood up to stretch.

"what should we do today?" he asked.

jazmin sat up and shrugged.

"how about let's watch movies all day while we cuddle!" he said excitedly.

her eyes lit up as she nodded quickly.

sorry this was short. i had a huge writers block.

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