06. love you

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*not capitalizing for the rest of the book only when it changes points of views*

Jazmin's Point of View

he broke it. he broke our promise. he said he was going to change; clearly that didn't happen. he's still the same guy. good thing jesus was there with me. i don't know what i would do with out him.

"what's on your mind" he asked

"huh? what?" i said, getting my thoughts cut off.

"what's on your mind?" he repeated.

"oh, nothing." i sighed.

"you're lying. there's always things on your mind, now tell me." he said.

"well... it's the joel thing."

"oh, well you wanna go and eat or something?"

"no. i'm not hungry" i said.

"come on, we didn't eat at lunch and i'm sure you didn't eat breakfast again, let's go!"

"i swear, i'm not hungry. i never eat in this place. there's nothing to eat and i just can't go out and go somewhere to eat."

"i should tell my mom to start making you food so i can bring it to you." he said.

"you don't have to do that, i swear, i'm never hungry."

"no jazmin i'm dragging your ass to mcdonald's lets go"

he grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of my bed. he let me put on my shoes and then he grabbed my wrist again and he opened the door. jesus stopped dead in his tracks. i was confused so i let go of his grip and i asked "what's wrong"

it was him. he was there. joel. i couldn't stand seeing him longer so i ran away. i hate that about myself. i always try running away from my problems. i ran outside and sat down. i started to cry. i remembered all the things me and joel used to do when we were little and it hurts me that he grew up to be a guy who just wants to get into girls pants.

i felt a hand on my shoulder. i looked up and saw that it was jesus.

"i don't want you to see me like this" i murmured as i buried my head into my hands.

"but i've seen you like this lots of times. not that i enjoy it, but i won't judge you for that." he said.

he then grabbed my wrist and basically dragged me all the way to mcdonald's. it's only a couple blocks away from my house; it wasn't a long walk.

"okay jazmin what do you want?" jesus faced me after he said his order.

"jesus i said i don't want anything! i'm going to sit down"

i looked for a table that was a pretty good distance from almost everything. next thing you know jesus happily walks my way with a big tray of food.

"jesus what the hell! i am not eating any of that. i'm not hungry!"

"you're eating it."

"who's gonna make me?" i smirked as i crossed my arms.

"i am." he said sternly.

"wha-" i was cut off with a mcchicken getting stuffed into my mouth.

i forcefully took a bite and started to chew with my eyes closed shut. when i finished that bite, i opened my eyes to see jesus smiling at me.

"what?" i said playfully.

"nothing, i'm just really proud of you that you ate that bite" he smiled.

i hid my face when i felt my cheeks get warm. was i blushing? then again i never get this much attention so it was probably that.

i managed to eat the food jesus bought me and now we were walking back to me house. at this moment, my heart was racing faster than ever.

"are you sure you're going to be okay with... joel in there?" he asked.

"i think so... thank you, jesus. for everything."

i stood on my tippy toes and wrapped my arms around his neck to give him a hug. my stomach clenched when he put his two big hands around my waist to pull me closer. it's not that i don't like his hugs, i love them actually, but it's just a weird feeling. no one ever treats me the way jesus does.

when we pulled away, i waved him a goodbye and i went inside.

there he was again. on the couch. watching t.v. he turned and we made eye contact. his face softened and as he stood up he said, "jazmin we need to talk."

"no! don't talk to me! we have nothing to talk about! you broke our promise and that's final!"

i ran upstairs and crashed on my bed. it's been a long day. i felt my phone vibrate and it was a message from "jesus😝."


i heard everything. are you okay?

yes, i'm okay. i promise you i'm not crying. i'll try not to let that get to me. love you and thanks for everything again. :)💖

i love you too❤️❤️ text me if anything.

will do ;)


hola! he said i love you :)) ahh!😍
i need me a jesus😂❤️
- jazmin

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