04. widdle crush

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Jazmin's Point of View


Today is Monday and i'm so nervous to see Jesus. What would I tell him? Should I apologize?

I got up from my bed and did my daily routine. I dressed in black leggings, a large red hoodie, and black converse. I didn't care about my appearance, all I care about right now, is Jesus.

I rushed to the bathroom and tied my hair into a high ponytail. Once I ran out of the bathroom, I ran into Joel.

"Oh... sorry."

"You want me to take you to school?"

"O-Oh i don't know" I put my head down trying not to make eye contact.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I-I'm nervous."

"Nervous of what?"

"Seeing Jesus." I whispered.

"Don't worry. He's not mad at you and i'm sure of that."

I was confused on what he said so I brushed it off.

-skip car ride-

Now I'm at school. My heart keeps skipping a beat. I went through the front entrance and started going upstairs since that's where my locker is. As I was walking, my eyes were searching for Jesus.

Once I got close to my locker, my eyes met his. I opened my mouth to say something but thing came out. I tried again, nothing. Why? I ran away. I couldn't do it.

Jesus' Point of View

Once i got to school i couldn't help but feel... nervous. I was nervous to see Jazmin. We haven't talked or text since Saturday when she broke down. I headed towards her locker since that's where we meet up. I opened her locker and put my math textbook in it.

I waited and waited until I saw a familiar figure heading my way. It was Jazmin.

She was wearing a hoodie and ponytail. My favorite days are when she wears a ponytail, I get to see her face. She usually wears her hair down, but not today.

She seemed worried and it looked like she was looking for someone. Oh no, it was me. We made I contact. She opened her mouth... but nothing came out. It seemed like she tried again but nothing. She ran away. I was going to chase after her but i know that she needs some space before talking about it.

I felt a tap on my shoulder so i turned around and it was Alya.

"what happened?" she asked.

"did you see the whole thing?"

"kinda... but i'm still confused."

"well..." i scratched my neck, "you know how jazmin is really insecure?"

"of course" she said, her eyes pleading for more information.

"so on saturday when i was at her house she... brokedownbecauseapairofjeansdidntfither"


"right.. sorry. well she started crying because we were going to go out and her jeans don't fit her anymore"

"oh no.."

"yeah and we haven't talked since, because joel walked in and he told her to take a bath"

"wait, joel did that? you mean like joel, jazmin's brother joel?"

"yeah, weird huh."


We started walking down stairs, and headed to some benches to sit down since we still had fifteen minutes left.

As we sat down I said, "Alya?"

"what's up?" she faced me.

"i... have to tell you s-something."

"go on"

"i-i think i'm starting to have feelings for jazmin."

"am i hearing this correctly? THE jesus ulloa has a crush on someone? with his best friend??"

"yeah... is there a problem with that?"

"no.. i think it's great but since when?"

"couple weeks."

"awww. jesus has a crush! jesus has a crush!" she squeezed one of my cheeks as she sang.

"stop that!"

"you're blushinggg"

"whatever bye."

I got up and walked away. Since there was only about five minutes, i headed to my first period class.

I can't get her out of my mind. She keeps coming up. Her big brown eyes, her long eyelashes that touched the tops of her cheeks when she blinked, and her lips, oh god her lips how i wis- jesus! what are you thinking!


sorry for the late update. have been really busy but i might just update like once a week or so.

- jazmin

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