16. falling for him

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^ he's so freaken cute😭😭😍

jesus's point of view

i woke up with a pile of hair of my face. i pushed it aside and i realized that i had fallen asleep last night with jazmin. luckily, it was a saturday. my mom must be worried. i quickly stood up, pulling away from the tight grip jazmin had on me. i looked for my phone and i finally found on the floor.

i dialed my moms number and waited for her to answer. after a couple rings, she answered.

"mijo where are you? are you okay?" she asked, sounding worried.

"yes mom, i'm okay. but i'm sorry i couldn't call you i fell asleep at jazmin's house."

"i thought you guys didn't talk anymore" she said.

"we forgave each other" i told her.

"oh well that's great mijo. cuídate."

"i know right!" a smile appeared on my face, " and i will."

"bye jesus"

"bye mom" i hung up.

i look towards the bed, and a sleepy jazmin was looking at me; her hair was scattered all over her face.

"who was it?" she said as she sat up squinting her eyes from the bright light that was shining through her window.

"oh it was my mom but don't worry. go back to sleep it's still early."

"ughh" she groaned and as she fell back down and covered her face with her blanket.

i smiled because of her actions and crawled back into bed with her. i faced to look at her; i found myself running my hands into her smooth, silky hair. we then fell into another deep sleep.

jazmin's point of view

i woke up, there was a hand tangled in my hair. it's was jesus's hand. i tried to remember what happened yesterday, but i only remember that we fell asleep, and what happened earlier.

jesus was sleeping peacefully by my side. i. noticed his long eyelashes that reached the top of his cheeks. it made me jealous since my eyelashes are short. his cheeks always seemed to be a light shade a pink; i enjoyed that very much. his jaw clenched every once in a while, making me want run my finger along it.

yeah, yeah, i know what you're thinking. why does she want to just be friends with jesus if we both like each other? well that's because i'm afraid i'll screw it all up. or that he will find a girl more pretty, and better than me. i don't want to go through that.

he moved around and i closed my eyes, pretending to sleep. i felt his hand caress my cheek. his thumb rubbing circles. he stopped, and whispered, ' god, she's so beautiful. '

my stomach clenched, and my heart skipped a beat. no one has ever called me beautiful. not even my mom. she's always been way too busy to pay attention to joel and i. even way before my parents got their new job. their job is now an excuse to not spend time with us.

i couldn't wait any longer to talk to him, so i opened my eyes. his eyes lit up with excitement and a huge flashy smile appeared on his face. he grabbed my face and kissed me on the cheek; i giggled.

"how did you sleep, baby girl?" he asked me.

i gasped. he had realized why i had gasped too, so he said, "sorry, um, it just came out."

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