30: new relationship

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the whole day jesus and alya had been at the pimentel household planning a huge surprise. since joel didn't want to make things even more suspicious, he decided to go to school, and leave right when the last bell rings and 'forget' to text jazmin. joel went to his house and helped with the finishing touches and small details.

meanwhile, jazmin was softly singing along to her favorite songs as she walked to her house. there was a seven eleven close by so she stopped to get some snacks. jazmin walked in the store, and grabbed a bag of chips, candy, and a bottled water. she paid for her things, and walked out.

once jazmin finally arrived at her front door. she knocked on the door since she didn't carry her keys with her. she heard shuffling until the door was slightly open. frustrated, she pushed the door and gasped at the sight in front of her.

jesus was in the living room holding a poster filled with pictures of him and jazmin saying 'girlfriend?' jazmin dropped the things she was holding and put her hands over her mouth. her eyes were getting watery as she nodded yes. jesus put down the poster and jazmin jumped on him putting her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.

"i know you just ended a relationship, but my feelings for you are real, a-and i want to spend my life with you. and not just as friends. i love you... so freaking much." jesus smiled.

jesus let go of jazmin. she realized joel and alya were super close together recording the whole thing.

"oh my god guys you recorded that!" jazmin said.

"of course, my horse. we needed to catch this important moment of your life." joel giggled.

"wait i don't want to be a buzzkill but where's mom and dad?" jazmin asked hesitantly.

joel's smiled faded a bit, but he dug in his jeans pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. jazmin took it and unfolded it.

it read; so sorry guys. we have something urgent to take care of so we had the leave the country immediately. have fun. we'll make sure to send you two money.

jazmin's eyes watered. jesus noticed and hugged her. joel, and ayla glanced at each other and decided to hug jazmin also.

night -

jazmin decided to take jesus to her spot, which was the roof. they sat on the ledge letting their legs hang. no talking. just company. it didn't bother neither of them. they were used to moments like these. silent.

"not even an 'i love you.'" jazmin said.

"huh?" jesus said.

"the note. it didn't have an 'i love you.' it was so rushed."

not knowing what to say, he put his arm around her waist and let her rest her head on his shoulder.

meanwhile, alya and joel were sitting on his bed. they weren't saying much. just small talk. suddenly, joel put his hand on alya's chin, and made her face him. he looked into her eyes, and then her lips.

"w-will you be my girlfriend?" joel said before alya connected her lips with his.

lol it's 3:13 am

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