05. broken promises

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*im not going to capitalize i hope that's fine with you :/*

Jesus' Point of View

it was now lunch and i haven't seen or talked to jazmin. her class before lunch is english and then we have science together after lunch.

we sit in the same table and i'm nervous it will be awkward between us. i don't want it to be like that. it's been like three days and i really miss talking to her. i just hope i see her at lunch so we can talk about it.

i walked to where she always gets out of class and waited since the teacher hasn't dismissed the students. once she was out i pulled her by the wrist to the side. she kept her head down until she looked up and saw me. her face turned pale and she looked at me with wide eyes.

"jazmin we need to talk" i said.

"i...i-i'm sorry," she stuttered.

"wait for what?"

"for what happened on... saturday. i-i'm sorry for all the hassle."

i chuckled. "you don't have to be sorry. you know i'm always here for you and you can count on me with anything, right?"

"i guess..." she sighed.

i pulled her into a hug. i put both of my hands around her waist and pulled her closer as she had her small ones on mine.

"awwww goalsss" said a familiar voice. it was alya.

jazmin pulled away from the hug and said "wait, what?"

"i said you guys are goals" alya smirked.

"like... best friend goals?" jazmin asked.

act like she didn't say that. just act like she didn't say that, i thought to myself.

"yeah... that." alya frowned.

"w-well lets go to the cafeteria." i said.

we walked to cafeteria and sat on one of the tables outside. we usually just sit there and talk. sometimes we eat but usually we don't.

-skip to after school-

me and jazmin bumped into each other on the way out.

"oh, hey! you wanna come over?" she said.

"um.. sure let me just text my mom to not pick me up."

once i texted her that she asked why and where i was going and i told her i was going to jazmins house. my mom has met her before so she was cool with it.

we finally arrived to her house. we went into the kitchen to grab a snack before we started to walk upstairs. as we were getting closer we heard weird noises. jazmin looked back at me confused. she put her ear close to joel's door and her face went pale. as pale as when she saw me earlier today.

i noticed she bit her lip as her eyes started to get shiny as tears brimmed her eyes. she knocked softly on the door and everything went quiet. it's like the whole world stop at that instant.

joel opened the door and only his head popped out. he looked... worried?

"you... s-said.. you w-were going to change." she croaked as tears fell down her cheeks. i instantly wiped them with both of my thumbs. i hate seeing her like this.

"what do you mean?" he asked.

jazmin kicked the door with all her force and there, revealed joel in only his boxers, and a tall brunette getting dressed.

"y-you b-broke our p-promise, joel." she said.

before he could say anything else she ran into her room and i followed. she crashed onto her bed, sobbing into her pillow. i sat next to her rubbing her back because that's all i can do at this moment. we can talk about it later but all she needs is comfort right now.

her sobs got softer and she finally stopped.

"are you ready to talk about it?" i asked softly.

she sat in what we call, "cwiss cwoss apple sauce" and she nodded softly.

"so what's this promise you were talking about?" i asked.

"we made a promise that he wasn't going to do... that but he broke it!" she said, her voice still a bit shaky.

"well i'm really sorry to hear that. got anything else on your mind?"

"no, not really. it just makes me frustrated that we made a promise and he broke it just like that. it hasn't even been a week. it's only been three days and he broke it. and the worst part of all... is that he did it in his room."

i pulled her into a hug. i secretly knew she loves my hugs because she feels protected and safe. also because "i smell good." how do i know? alya told me.


what??? i posted two chapters in a week? it's a miracle! i hope you guys liked it and this by far my favorite chapter. also, don't forget to vote and comment what you think!

- jazmin 💕

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