29: apologies

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the next day -  

in the morning, joel told jazmin about his conversation with grayson over messages. he told her that she should tell him what happened between her jesus. she was hesitant about it because she was not sure how grayson was going to react.

skip to lunch -

jazmin rushed out the doors of her english class and went down the stairs not bothering putting her textbook back in her locker. she squeezed passed students in the hallway as fast as she can.

once jazmin reached to the cafeteria, she took a while to catch her breath, and also look for joel who should be with grayson. jazmin made eye contact with her brother and he motioned his eyes towards grayson. jazmin groaned as she walked towards their table.

she greeted the guys and then looked at grayson. he looked up and jazmin said quietly, "can i talk to you?" grayson nodded softly and got up from the table. they walked to a table a bit far from where the boys were sitting. grayson sat across from jazmin. he fiddled with his fingers trying to hide the fact that he was nervous.

"alright," jazmin murmured. grayson took a deep breath.

"so after english, jesus was outside the door and so we walked to my locker together. um- well you know i opened my locker and put my book in it and stuff. so- wait no... he asked me a question and it was kind of personal and i couldn't answer it because um- i wasn't sure and uh... well he kissed me. i-i'm going to be completely honest. i am n-not proud of what i d-did but i-i kissed back and well... y-you know what happened next. and i am so fucking sorry i put you through this." she said lowly.

grayson clenched his jaw, "what was the question?"


"just tell me, jazmin. please."

"h-he asked me if i l-loved you..."

"w-what did you say?"

"t-that i l-like you but i don't know things about love so was unsure"

grayson was sad. sure he has had girlfriends in the past, but jazmin was different to him. he felt that he wanted to know more about her than just letting her go like the others.

"i think i came on too strong.. and i should be sorry also." grayson finally said.

"can we at least be friends? there's still so much to find out about each other. and i'm also sorry about all of this i should have told you." jazmin muttered.

"yeah...uh of course friends." he said with a smile.

jazmin stood up from her seat and hugged grayson. he hugged back, tightly. he thought that being friends might be easier than dating.

after school -

jazmin walked out of the school relieved that she was done for the day. she didn't spot alya or jesus anywhere today. neither of them were i their  classes. that seemed weird to jazmin. they never missed a day.

jazmin sighed and walked down the stairs of the front entrance. she stopped and looked around for joel, but she didn't see him. she pulled out her phone and texted him.

to brother🤦🏻‍♂️; where r u??

jazmin waited a couple of minutes until her phone rang twice.

from brother🤦🏻‍♂️; oh shit i'm sorry i forgot to tell you that you need to walk home today

forgot huh, jazmin thought

from brother🤦🏻‍♂️; have something important 2 do sorry

to brother🤦🏻‍♂️; yeah , yeah c u later

she sighed in frustration, and plugged in her headphones and put her playlist on shuffle.

little did she know joel was planning a surprise along with alya and jesus.

what do you think the surprise is ??

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