32: butterflies

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journal entry #4

well it's been a while since i've written here. i don't know. maybe i only write in here when i'm sad, or going through a hard time.

lately it hasn't been that way. i've had jazmin by my side and i've never been any better. it's not like things were not good when we were still best friends, it's just that we were best friends. and nothing else.

i think that now that we're together, everything has gotten better. before, i was just a sad, emotional boy with no purpose. but now, i do have a purpose: jazmin.

i can't describe what i feel when i'm around her. it feels like... butterflies are in my stomach every time i'm with her. i'm getting butterflies right now just thinking about being with her. imagine that. my heart beats so fast when i'm with her it's insane. i don't know why i still get this feeling of nervousness. i've known her for a while now, yet i still get this feeling. and... it's kind of amazing.

let me just talk about something else really quick. i think it's so cool! alya and joel are also dating! we can be like the power couples. just imagine: jazmin and joel pimentel, being with alya and i? that's like the greatest thing ever.

to be honest, it's kind of weird though. i never would've thought alya would go out with a guy like joel. i mean of course he's changed it's that... alya would always complain about guys like him. i hope he will never break her heart, and he'll always keep her happy as ever. i wish them the best... after jazmin and i. wink wink.

gosh. back to jazmin. i just can't explain my love towards her. it's like i'd do anything for her to keep her small fragile heart happy. i've never been in love like this. it's an amazing feeling being with her.


wow i know this is short, and it's been a while, but i hope you enjoyed it. hope you had a happy thanksgiving.

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