22: funny business

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Friday: Afterschool

Jazmin's Point of View

Okay, okay, I'm a little anxious about this date. I didn't see Grayson today because I spent lunch in the library. Call me lame, I know, but i couldn't spend it with Alya and Jesus. They're mad at me. Or sad. I'm not exactly sure anymore. And I couldn't spend lunch with Joel and his group because Grayson would be there. I figured we'd run out of things to talk about during dinner later. So I was a loner at lunch today.

Anyway, Joel keeps blabbing about Alya and how pretty she is. It's not that i'm mad, I actually think it's cute seeing Joel go a little crazy over a girl. Like I said, Joel has never really had a real crush.

But it's just that I haven't told him about the little argument we had. And I don't plan on telling him either way. I have a feeling that he'll get out of the way of liking her just because of me, and I don't want to do that. They deserve to have each other. Even if Alya is still mad at me.

My thoughts were interrupted by phone. I had gotten a text message. It read: hey cutie :))

Who the hell would send me this? How did they even get my number? I texted back: who are you and how did you get my number?

from unknown number: oh i'm sorry i forgot to tell you.. it's grayson. grayson dolan. 

to Grayson: oh.. haha what's up?

from Grayson: nothing much. just want to tell you i'll be at your house around 7:30

to Grayson: okay, see you then :)

So this means I have around three hours to get ready so I hopped in the shower. After my shower, I put on a random shirt and some shorts while I blow dry my hair and choose an outfit.

I decided to wear a black dress. Along with it, I decided to throw on a red, black and white flannel. Since I don't have any other 'fancy' shoes, I put on my black converse. I'm surprised I don't look too bad.

Before I knew it Joel was pounding in my door. When I opened it Joel said, "Hey Gray- woahh Jazmin you look great!"

I couldn't help but blush at his comment, "Thanks, but what were you saying?"

"Grayson's at the door"

"Oh shoot I'll be right down!"

He closed the door and I ran to my bed. I unplugged my phone from the charger and ran out my room. I walked down the stairs to see Grayson standing there wear a really nice button up shirt. You know what imma just say it. He looks soooo hot.

"Hey," He smiled.

"Hi" I couldn't help but give a cheesy smile. Like I said, I'm super nervous !!

"Shall we?" He said extending his arm.

"Yea- I mean, we shall" I said linking my arm with his.

Before walking out the house, Joel said, "You better not do any funny business!" "We won't!" I yelled back.

sorry i haven't updated, will post a new chapter soon :)

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