08. needed him

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Joel's Point of View

my annoying alarm woke me up indicating that i needed to get ready for school. i rushed to the bathroom, did my business, and rushed back to my room. i quickly chose and outfit. when i finished putting on my clothes, i walked out of my room and went go check on jazmin.

when i walked in, i gasped. jesus and her were sleeping.. together. did they... ? but jazmin wouldn't do that. my fists balled up as anger built up in my body.

i yanked the blanket off of them and i got even more upset. jesus was holding her by the waist, tightly.

jazmin moved and opened her eyes. "joel?"

"what the hell is this jazmin?" i raised my voice.

"huh?" she asked sleepily.

she looked over and gasped. i guess she forgot he was with her. she shook him, "jesus, wake up!"

"why the hell is he shirtless?"

"i don't know!" she yelled back.

"why is here in the first place!"

"it's because i- nevermind" she cut herself off.

"you what jazmin! you what?!" i yelled.

i really didn't mean to yell. anger built up in my body and i couldn't control it.

"i... i can't tell you, okay!" her voice got shakier.

"hey man, i swear we didn't do anything bad." jesus spoke as he stood up.

"you shut up!" i shouted even more as my fist met his jaw.

what was happening to me?

"jesus! are you okay?" i heard jazmin say.

i was looking at my hands. they were shaking. from the corner of my eye i saw jazmin kneel down next to jesus. he wiped the trickle of blood that i had left him. he got up and he punched me back. it all happened so fast. i lost my balance and my body met the ground.

"jesus stop!" i heard jazmin yell.

i saw jazmin kneel down next to me. "joel... joel are you okay?"

"yeah, i'm totally fine." i said coldly.

"joel i'm serious."

"chill okay! i'm fine!"

i got up and walked out. i couldn't stand being in her room anymore. many questions were running inside my brain. why was jesus here?

Jazmin's Point of View

i couldn't just tell him out of the ordinary. i couldn't just tell him that i was crying last night. i couldn't just tell him i called jesus because i needed him.

(note: if i under line a word or a line, it means it's italicized. i can't put a word in italics for some reason that's why😕)

"jesus why did you do that?" i sighed.

he was currently sitting on the counter in my bathroom as i was checking how bad the bruise was.

"he hit me first." he pouted.

i sighed. i checked the time and it was exactly 7 am.

"we should start getting ready."

"fine" he said as he jumped of the counter.


i was sitting on my bed with my head in my hands waiting for jesus to get dressed.

"okay, i'm done." he announced.

i was already dressed. my outfit consisted of a black oversized hoodie, dark blue jeans, and black converse.

"so are you ready to go?" i asked as i got up from the bed.

"yeah come on." 

we walked out the door and started heading to school.

*skip walk*

we were now at my locker and jesus was examining his bruise joel had left him i the mirror i had on the door. i wonder what had gotten into him. joel is never the one to start a fight. especially with one of my friends.

"look what your stupid brother left me" he murmured.

"sorry... it was kind of my fault." i whispered as i looked down at my shoes.

"your fault? why would you say that?"

"because i should've told joel why were you really sleeping over. maybe he would have understood."

"but jazmin, we both know that the reason i came over stays between us, right?"

"yes, but i should've told him! he probably thinks we... did it.." i whispered the last part.

"let's just forget about what happened, okay?"



hi guysss i hope you like the
story so far! don't forget to
comment and vote for more! ;)

dedicated to primekenia 😘
- jazmin❤️

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