24: rooftop talks

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jazmin had her arms around joel, who was crying hysterically. joel usually isn't the type of person to cry in front of people. he tries to keep his feelings a secret, so his sister won't have to worry about him. but today, he couldn't keep it in. he was in so much pain.

the night was cold, sending chills through their bodies. joel started to calm down a little bit. jazmin let go of the hug and held his hands. he sniffled, "d-do you think t-they still l-love us?"

jazmin's heart broke. she didn't want to tell him what she thinks about their parents. they never loved us, she thought. she stayed quiet, not knowing what to say. she never thought joel was this sensitive. jazmin didn't know what to say at this point knowing that she might make joel feel worse.

"sometimes i just want to go to sleep and never wake up," joel spoke again as he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

jazmin looked up at him. she was shocked. she never knew joel had these types of thoughts. maybe they weren't so different after all.

"me too," jazmin whispered.

joel quickly opened his eyes. he was shocked too. they actually had something in common. it isn't a good thing to have in common though, joel thought. he pulled her into a hug, and she hugged him back. they were both in so much pain, and it wasn't even about their parents.

a couple of minutes later, they both sat on the ledge, as they held hands. they sat there looking at the city lights.

"i never knew you would think about something like that, joel. what's your reason?" jazmin asked.

"i-i just dislike being in this world. it's just so full of hatred. what about you?" he asked as he turned his head her way.

"gosh, i don't know where to start. well, i used to be bullied. but it's not just that, i just get tired of being here sometimes. and school overwhelms me so, so much."

"i'm sorry that you were bullied jazmin, i had no idea." joel said.

"it's fine now. i didn't even know you felt this way."

it was around 3 a.m. and they were still talking about all their troubles they've never told each other before. soon enough, they went inside.

"i think you should sleep here tonight." joel told jazmin.

"okay let me get my pillow."

she walked into her room and grabbed her pillow. something caught her eye. her phone. it had been a while since she'd last used it. jazmin had gotten a text message at 1 a.m. it was from her best friend. jesus.

it read; how'd it go? :)

if you guys didn't notice, i tried a different point of view this time. it's short, i know but hope you liked it.

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