21: my thoughts

115 13 4

entry #2

i couldn't.

i couldn't let her see me cry.

i couldn't let him see me cry.

i couldn't.

when i saw them together, there by the door, tears welled up in my eyes. i freaked out. i couldn't go to the restroom. i'd be late.

so what i did was rush right passed them.

i know i'm kind of being sensitive about this, but i just can't. ever since we became friends, i felt this spark saying we are meant to be.

but maybe it was just my imagination.

i just wish, with all my heart, that we can be together. not just as friends though.

more than friends.

i think it's my fault, though. i didn't step up and ask her out on a date or something.

he did.

and he just met her!

how is it possible that a guy she just met about a month ago, can have so much confidence? i've been liking her since two years! two freaking years!

alright let's move on to math.

my thoughts.

my thoughts made me cry. i overthink everything that can possibly go wrong. and this time, it was about their date.

i think i already wrote about this. about the starting all over thing.

i just hope everything goes okay.

i kind of just wish it were me going on that date.

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