28: his side

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joel's point of view -

"i don't know... and i think i still have feelings for jesus."

"fuck jazmin! then why are you dating grayson?" i asked.

"because i'm stupid." she covered her face.

"dude, you're not stupid! stop calling yourself stupid. we're still kids we all make mistakes it's not your fault."

"why don't you get some rest?"

"can i sleep on your bed?"


she sat on my bed and took off her shoes. then she laid down and i pulled the blanket onto her. i sat on the corner of my bed and pulled out my phone. i unlocked it and went to grayson's contact. i wanted to hear his side of the story.

to dolannn🤘🏼; what happened?

from dolannn🤘🏼; i saw your sister.

to dolannn🤘🏼; u see her everyday bro just tell me

from dolannn🤘🏼; i saw her kissing her "best friend."

to dolannn🤘🏼; who?

from dolannn🤘🏼; i think his name is jesus.

to dolannn🤘🏼; what did u do?

from dolannn🤘🏼; stoppp askinggg me so many questions oh my gosh

to dolannn🤘🏼; i just want to hear your side of the story

from dolannn🤘🏼; i was just walking to her locker to meet up and i saw her kissing him when she heard me she pushed jesus out of the way and ran towards me but i didn't let her speak

to dolannn🤘🏼; i would tell you something but i think it's your business so i'll tell jazmin to tell you

from dolannn🤘🏼; fine. see you tomorrow bro

sorry for the short chapter i'm having a writers block😭😭😭

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