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The rest of the day went unceremoniously. We went to the library on the way home. Apart from our home the library is the only place of solace for us. You can't expect a bully there and the calmness suits me. That's all I want. Silence where nobody bothers me.

I was so into this thriller book that Ryan had to literally drag me out of the building. He is not much into books as I'm. He just plays some geeky lame video games.

By the time we came home Myra had already made dinner for us. We ate in silence as usual. At first she tried to be chatty. But she stopped it when she found we were incorrigible. She herself is not a very chatty person since she lived here alone for years. I don't blame her for trying to come out of her own loneliness. I'm just not the person for it.

Ryan tried to talk to her. But gave up on the attempt when he made him watch her Bollywood movies. You know, because he is manly and all.

It is still a wonder how she managed all this. She is so hardworking but seriously she never compromise on us either. That is the problem I guess, she is too paranoid about almost everything.

The dinner scenario was the same as every other day. Me-gorging on the burger, Ryan-trying to eat with minimum mayo as possible, Myra-eating like a normal person would I guess. She is always the type who tries to blend into the society. She never wanted to stand out. Just a normal safe life. It's the same as I need. But we have been dragged to the spotlight. But not as I would like.

After the dinner I volunteered to help her with the dishes. Ryan wanted to sleep early as he goes to an early morning gym. He does try hard. But the lack of some inner control pushes him back.

"So how was your day?" Myra asked.

"Okay. Nothing much happened. How was yours?" I asked her. I don't tell her about the bullying. She had enough to worry about than a bunch of baby problems.

"Mine's okay too. But hey I got a raise!" She said smiling at me.

"Congratulations!" I said hugging her lightly.

"Well it's not much. But still makes a lot of difference."

It sure does. Myra does not earn much and the money our parents left is depleting. We surely won't be able to afford to go to college though Myra insisted us. One year more in high school. I have to start looking for jobs.

We finished the dishes. By that time I was really tired. I woke up so early this morning. Ryan is not very silent in getting ready and I have never been able to gain sleep once I wake up. I woke up early so I started to do a report that was due two weeks later.

So I went straight to my room and laid down. I looked at the opposite wall where there was a picture of our family. It was taken when we went to the Himalayas. We were all standing on rocks. I really liked the picture because it was taken when Ryan was trying to give a pose but ended up tripping on the rocks. The picture was really candid.

I sighed and closed my eyes.


The week went all the same. More ugly notes in the desk. More laughter and rumors. Just the same.

The fateful day was the Sunday. That's when all the problems started.

It started like a normal Sunday morning. Got up late, had a lousy breakfast. Myra and I started watching a Bollywood movie. It was Myra's favorite and she had watched it so many times that she always mumbles the dialog before the character speaks it. I was really bored so I got up and wandered round the house. Then I went straight to Ryan's room to make the call. Ever since we moved here we made it custom to call our friends back in India on every Sunday morning.

Just then Ryan had finished talking so I called my only best friend Preeti. But I didn't have nothing much to talk so I hung up in 5 minutes. That's when I saw Ryan was staring at me.

"What?" I asked. handing him the cell phone we shared.

"Sam I need to ask you something," He said.


"Ajay just told me about the night club his uncle owns in here," Ajay is best friend.

"Okay" I said not sure what is he getting at.

"And I want to go there," He said slowly looking at me as if he's afraid.

"What? Are you crazy. You're underage," I shouted and he shushed me but I'm sure Myra will not have heard.

"I know. But he says I can get a fake ID."

"Okay I'm calling Ajay right now and give him an earful," I said. Now I was really angry.

"Hey it would be fun. You can come too," he said smiling lightly at me.

"What? Forget it. I'm not going. You're not going. Nobody's going."

"Come on. It would be nice. And I swear I will not drink much. Please please," he pleaded. clutching my hands tightly.

Then half an hour later I agreed. God that's the stupidest decision I ever made in my life.

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