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Well I think I got too optimistic too soon.

Soon enough I got a text.

Hey hun. Ready for round two. We will have to do a head count of the survivors later.

What does this mean? Did he find about David telling everything? Is he going to hurt Lilly? Or Myra? Anyone for that matter?

But I have absolutely no way of informing this to David. So I had no choice but to act tense "act" coolly in front of David. I deserve an award for this kind acting.

I went to school. The first person I saw on the hallway. My stomach twisted to a knot and a lump formed in my throat. Sure I know that Ben didn't kill Ryan even before but I thought he would be related in some way. But now I know that he is a collateral damage done to humor me and later torture me. He died for no purpose at all except for my stupidity.

Now seeing her standing with her friends, who gave up being the bullies, really made me sad and also scared. I want to run to them and tell them the whole truth.

But still humans are not capable for something like that. The possibility of getting arrested, which will definitely happen if I tell them, stopped me. And then after the original wave of guilt washed away I turned away towards my Biology class.

After that It wasn't so hard going through all the classes. At least I managed to stay sane till lunch. I say alone like always but didn't eat anything. Today was especially hard after seeing the threat text.

Just then I heard my name on the PA.

"Samaira Varma,please report to the Vice Principal's office immediately."

I was greatly surprised and so are the people around me. Since Ryan died I have been treated like a very breakable toy. So it is naturally assumed that it means trouble when I'm called like this. And honestly I expect trouble too.

I hurried to his office unable to keep back the feeling of dread.

When I reached there he was already waiting for me.

"Take a seat Ms.Varma."

I sat down trying not to look so scared.

"I know this is too late but," he paused and for some reason it made me think like a death sentence is to said out loud. "Would you like it if we do a small sort of a memorial kind of thing for your brother and Ben."

I exhaled rather too loudly. That's it? He called me urgently for this? But it still made me curious.

"why now?" I asked.

"well we got a very good sponsor. Do you happen to know an Ayush Chadda? Sounds like and Indian to me," he said looking at some file.

I forgot to breathe but my heart started to beat wildly. I shook my head just to remind myself too about the reality.

"Oh. Then he must be a really good person to give this kind of money fore some unknown person. Or maybe he is some distant relative or a family friend. Check it with your guardian. Maybe she knows him. In any case are you willing for this?"

Just then my phone beeped and I know who it was. I nodded my assent smiling for his benefit and immediately exited the room. That will definitely arouse his suspicion. His nickname the school's Sherlock Holmes for a reason.

I hurried to the washroom clutching my phone so tightly. I sweated even though it was chilly.

I went it inside a stall, locked it leaned against the door and read the message.

I look forward for seeing you give a really moving speech about your brother. Hope you won't disappoint me by not attending this. And you do know the consequence. And I will be there to watch over you.

Holy crap.

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