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When Lilly at last went to bed I hurried up to my room. I closed and even locked the door, grabbed the documents which was sent to me, the reports of my parent's death. I flipped the pages till I found what I was looking.


Officer in charge-Lokesh Gupta

Date: 2.5.2015

Time of the accident: 6:42 pm

A red Ford, DL 4C BF 2546, was going in a speed of 70km/hr in Delhi-Noida Direct Flyway (As recorded by The CCTV camera). The passengers were Veer Varma(driver), Samaira Varma(front seat) and Meera Varma. Hit by a private van coming in the opposite direction, avoiding the mediator. Accused (identified by Samaira Varma), Girish Kapoor,26 was found to driving drunk.

P.T.O (Accused Details

I turned the page hurriedly, my heart was beating rapidly. This is it, this got to be the reason.

Name-Girish Kapoor



Description- white, Height-5 feet 4 inches, slightly obese,

Identification-mole on left chin, distinguished scar on right arm

Girish Kapoor was accused of accused of killing Veer and Meera Varma in a drunken accident. He was identified by Samaira Varma. Was found to be sppeding the van in 135 km/hr in the opposite direction avoiding the mediator.

By this time I felt trouble breathing, for no apparent reason. This said me nothing. I know what happened first hand. Unless...

My memory of that day had already faded. Whenever I get reminded of it my mind makes blocks the subject as if on reflex.

But the thing I remember clearly is that the bus which was about to hit us was nowhere near us when my dad swerved the car. And when he did that he put us right at the path of the car. That information had nagged me for a very long time. But I brushed it away before. After all an accident does no good to your memory power.

But now that might seem like a plausible answer. In fact it is the only answer I could give fore these bizarre incidents.

But that is one equally bizarre answer. I know the fear in her voice when my mother shouted. I know the desperation at which my father swerved the car. I know my own fear, my heartbeat raising, the helplessness at which I watched as blood flowed from my father's head. My mother was moaning in pain just before I was carried out of the car. Then as sudden as the accident itself I knew that my life is doomed forever.

But how could that even happen? My father, the police officer who knows how to drive like forever. How could he have mistaken? It was not like a simple trick of an eye. It was an actual mistake which literally had costed lives.

The only thing I could do right now is to contact Lokesh Gupta, a colleague of my father and the officer who arrested Girish. I had his number, he used to speak often before, comforting us while he comforted himself.

I hunted down his number and called him. I was surprised when he picked up the call in just five rings. He is a pretty busy person.

"Hey Samira!" He said cheerfully. In the background I could hear his daughter screaming playfully. I smiled to myself.  She is so adorable. She must be of Lilly's age now.

"Hi uncle!" I said as cheerfully as I could.

"I heard about Ryan. I am so sorry," he said with genuine sadness. After our parents died he was like our guardian for a few months.

"Uncle I need to ask you something," I said coming straight to the point. It is an international call after all.

"Yeah," he said with concern.

"About the accident. Are you sure about who is the killer? I mean what happened to him now?" I asked already starting to bite my nails

"Yeah. I'm pretty damn sure," he said. The absolute confidence in his voice raised my hopes. As for the accused. You know he had been sentenced to sever years in jail right?" "Yes," I said.

"I'm sorry I didn't inform this earlier but he died in jail." My heart skipped a beat. "Wha-wh-what?" I stammered.

"Yeah. It seems he committed suicide. Horrible way to die. He torched himself. Isn't that a very painful and disgusting way to die?" He chuckled. I didn't know what to say. It wasn't even remotely funny for me.

"Samaira, why are you asking this now? Is there any problem?" Concern again.

"No nothing. I just wanted to know." I said quickly. "I wanted to know whether we didn't make a mistake. Because it all happened so fast that day and dad was all cheerful..."

"Samaira, this is all weird questions but I will answer you now. It is true that your parents was drunk a little that day. But have faith in what you saw. Besides Veer is a very good driver. I believe he did that because he wanted to step out of the line just a little. But he wasn't so drunk. Your mother was so drunk however."

But I had stopped listening long ago. My parents were drunk that day! Oh My God! No no no....

"Samaira, are you there?"

"Yeah sorry I have to hang up now. Going to sleep." I said. My head was so dizzy and I'm definitely going to throw up.

If my parents were drunk then it easily could have been their fault. It was my mother who shouted at the bus when it was not even coming in our direction. And I didn't mention that fact to the police thinking it was an inconsequential information.

It all makes sense now. Ayush/Girish thinking I was the one who lied. He had got punishment for the crime he didn't commit.

Now there is only one mistake in my theory. Lokesh said that he died.

My head was hurting like hell. I threw the documents across the room and lay down. Within seconds I fell asleep.

And after what felt like ten seconds somebody thumped my door, loud and fast.

"Ah," I screamed standing full alert. My heart started the fast run and each thump was painful.

I grabbed the Ryan's baseball bat from behind my study which I had moved into my room when I realized how much of a danger I am in.

I walked to door and positioned myself to its left. I opened it making sure I was hidden behind it.

I raised the bat ready to face a hooded attacker. I was beyond surprised when Myra and David entered the room.

"Oh My God! You sca..." That's when I noticed her appearance.

The skirt she was wearing was torn and through it I could see a deep gash. There was a cut in her right palm which was bleeding. It seemed like she had hit her head which had a gash. Her hair was all messed up and it seemed like she rolled in sand.

Even David looked like he fought ten men. But he wasn't as hurt as her.

"What the hell happened to you both," I asked although I know what happened exactly.

"You tell me," she shouted. David closed the door mumbling something about scaring Lilly.

"We were hit by a car. And then a hooded figure attacked her," he explained calmly.

"That's not it. He was yelling in my ears about you being a liar," she shouted. God I never thought Myra had the potential to be so scary.

"Well I think it's mandatory for us to tell the whole story." I chuckled preparing myself for a sleepless night.


Every comment is precious to me as I'm one of the less talented more self doubt kind of a person.( saying author would have been a stretch).

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