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And soon everything was ready.

"Myra, you don't have to come. It is just a memorial. I can manage this."

"I know that you can manage this but I want to come. I have already started readying a speech and you know that I wouldn't miss this for the world right? Besides, my boss is coming with me too. He said he wants to meet you and David."

I sighed as I hung up. I don't want to come here and get mixed up in something he made. I know David is worried too. I saw the brief fear which showed in his face when she told him that she is coming. But of course he couldn't show it.

It was the topic of interest at school for the whole week. Many students who I am sure doesn't even know Ryan existed came to me, wanting to help me. Of course, this is senior year and this is extra credit. Colleges has become the topic for all the seniors. But I honestly couldn't care less. I'm focusing on surviving this year, stop this insane psycho who is after my blood.

Everyone helped too, everything was set up in the school auditorium. There was a slideshow about both of them. Posters and RIP's and all sorts of depressing things hanging on the wall which made me nauseous.

But I couldn't concentrate. Partly because all this depressed me more than ever. It was like reliving his funeral. I wasn't alone. I saw Angela crying in a corner of an empty classroom.

It was also because I'm so afraid that anything would happen during that day. Every time they bring a new box of things sponsored by him I search for it half expecting a bomb or something like that. I don't want to ruin that day. A lot of people like Myra and Ben's parents wanted that day to be pleasant. Thinking about his mother's face at his funeral which Myra forced me to go made me want to kill myself. I cannot even start to imagine how it must have felt like for them.

I started to focus my whole mind in the arrangements to be made. This is one way to make it perfect although there is no way to dodge the inevitable. The devil itself made all this, an elaborate trap. I don't know why he should go to such lengths because he could just hit me with a car and get it over. Less messy and definitely a perfect way to kill me.

Soon all was ready. If Ryan were here the photos on the slideshows would have made him run away. Well, I didn't have much photos of him considering we both were like ant-selfie squad. We didn't have any cute brother-sister photos.

The surprising thing was some of my relatives who live here and even Ryan's friend Ajay and his brother came too. Though it was weird seeing many Indians in the same hall, it felt good to know that some of them are there for us.

And then when that day came I was more nervous than I was in the hospital after Ryan's "accident".  My stomach was tightly knotted when I saw Myra coming in the auditorium with a handsome looking man who could have been in his late twenties.

She went straight to David. They kissed like they haven't seen each other for years. Honestly I wouldn't deny that I felt annoyed that she didn't even notice me but I felt so happy to see them. Both of them deserved this moment. I turned my attention from them to greet her boss.

"Hello mr.Grover," I said giving my best pleasing smile.

"Hi Samaira. Pleased to meet you at last. Myra used to tell a lot about you. And I know this is so late but I'm so sorry for your loss," he said with a feigned sincere look which I have been trained to accept as one hundred percent real concern.

"Thank you for coming. It means a lot to us," I said already starting to lose my interest in this conversation. He seemed to understand. We exchanged an awkward smile and he went to sit in one of the chairs at the front next to Myra and David.

Before long everybody came. Ben's parents couldn't bring themselves to make a speech so his sister got up to give the speech.

"I couldn't have asked for a more loving brother. I'm not lying when I say that we, we were so close," her voice broke,"He was always there for me when I needed any help. He is so...." she paused wiping off her tears. "I can't believe that he died. But now I can see why he was so happy here. So many people love him. He made many people's life incomplete. I don't know much about the other boy but I know he would have been a great brother to you, Samaira." She stared straight at me smiling. But I couldn't reciprocate it.  "Brother," she stared straight at one of his pictures at the slideshow,"I love you. I miss you. But I'm sure you are having a blast at heaven." With that she ran down stage crying uncontrollably. Her father got up to comfort her.

I was frozen to that place. I could see David looking at me knowing full well what this feels like. I was brought to reality only when Myra nudged me. It was my turn to make a speech.

My legs felt like jelly as I walked upstage. All that I have prepared slipped out of my mind. I wasn't ready for this. But I will. Ryan deserved at least that much.

"I know how hard it is to forget the death of a person. Also it isn't fair for them that we forget them. And I could never, ever forget my brother. But instead of thinking of how he died, I want to focus on how he lived. That is what everyone here, all the loved ones want to remember."

I paused looking at everybody once. Tears are threatening to break through. But I won't let it. At least not now.

"He was there for me. He was always there for me. And that is why I know that he wouldn't want me to cry. When we moved here we didn't know anyone. Everything was alien. But the only thing that kept me moving is the comfort that he gave me. I couldn't have asked for a more caring brother. After everything that happened to us, he was there to protect. And I think I'm here speaking, not crying, because of the strength he gave me. He was like a protector and I believe," it was hard to continue "That he is still protecting me. Otherwise I don't know how I would have lived through all this. Thank you Ryan."

I didn't bother to listen to any of the other speeches. Myra cried halfway through hers and nobody could understand a word of what Angela said. I wasn't even worried anymore. I felt more relieved than ever. My brother would rest in peace.

After all the speeches ended people moved towards the dinner table. I found myself talking to my uncle who didn't even bother to come to the funeral. Now he was speaking like he spent days together crying. How much of this crap should I go through.

At last when he too ventured near food and I went to the bathroom to finally let the tears flow. I'm surprised that I was able to hold it off for this long. I'm generally a very cry baby kind of person. Well things change, I know that first hand.

I heard the bathroom door open. I wiped off the tears getting ready and got out. 

As soon i got out of the stall a black gloved hand closed my mouth tightly. For a moment I was paralyzed not exactly knowing what to do. Then I knew. Try to struggle of course. So started trying to kick my attacker flailing my hands like crazy screaming even though I know full well that it wouldn't work.

But of course all of that didn't work. He just stomped on one of my legs which made me paralyze with pain once more. I fell down but he was still closing my mouth. Spots began to appear before my eyes. The strong hands holding my hands wouldn't budge

Then I heard a click and heard a mechanized voice.

"game over."

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