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We went through the door behind the bar and entered a large air conditioned room.

"Make yourselves comfortable," The man said. But I remained standing glaring at him. I can't believe what is happening right now. Ryan is out there, fully drunk, riding a car. And here I'm, with a rather good looking stranger.

"Suit yourself," He said sitting a couch, smiling.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked still glaring crossing my hands.

"My name is David, the owner of this club!" He said smiling at me.

"Really?" I asked. He really didn't strike me as the owner of a club.

"I am not as young as I look believe me," He said.

"Okay your age doesn't matter now. Why did you stop me?"

"Well I can clearly see that you are underage. No point in denying it. I can see these kinds of these things. You already created a commotion in here. I don't want you going outside and create a problem so that the police can sniff it to here and make a fuss about encouraging underage drinking," He explained to me slowly.

"I didn't drink I swear. And besides my brother is the one who is drunk and he is outside and..."

"I know that. I have sent men behind him they will bring him back. You don't worry," He said lighting a cigarette. When he saw me glaring he offered me one. "Want one?"

I waved my hands disgusted. He shrugged and let out a puff of smoke. The smoke made me cough. He laughed at my distress. I glared at him. I have to accept this, he is cute. And really smart in that tux. I was always fascinated by people with blue eyes. Somehow that colour made me think of the sky and sea even though I don't think I am so poetic as to compare and use some metaphors. But that blue eyes of his is not something I find interesting or even remotely attractive. Now I'm confused at my own feelings.

One feeling topped all though. Annoyance. Seeing him sitting cross-legged, a cigarette between his long fingers made me get irritated and I cursed him in my mind with some wisely chosen Hindi words.

"You do realize that you are not a pretty sight and glaring only makes you more uglier right?" He said.

I didn't reply for it. My mind was too preoccupied. We remained silent for a few minutes. He continued smoking, leaning backward in his chair crossing his legs.

"Do you have your cell phone with you?" He asked.

"No. Why?"

He sighed. "As marveled as I'm to find a teenager without a cell phone. In this circumstance it's too bad. You could have called your brother. Do you know his number?"

"Yeah," I said.

"Okay." He took out his phone from his pocket and handed it to me. "Call him."

I took the phone and dialed Ryan's number. Surprisingly he picked it up in just three rings. "Hello Ryan?"

"Sam hi!" He said. His voice was almost unrecognizable.

"Ryan where are you?" I asked, almost shouted.

"I'm driving this wonderful car owned by the asshole Ben!" He said.

"What?" I asked not believing what I just heard. Did he just say he was driving Ben's car.

"Sam this is amazing! This feeling is so good. And there is a chasing too! They are chasing me in Angela's car. Isn't that amazing. They are trying to bump me off the road though it's not working. It's so thrilling."

"Ryan get back to the club now," I said emphasising each word.

"Okay. But will you come with me then. I will show you this car. This is simply extravagant. The ride is so smooth that I-"

Suddenly there was a loud crash over the phone. It was so loud that my ears started ringing. Panic seized me.

"Ryan, Ryan what happened?" I shouted over the phone but the line was dead.

"Hey what's the matter?" David asked.

"Ryan was driving Ben's car. He said they were chasing him. Now I heard a loud crash and the line went dead." My heart hammered giving me a feeling of breathlessness.

David slapped his palm to his forehead. "Come with me," He said already dragging me outside the room. We weaved through the crowd outside. The club returned to normal all the recent commotion forgotten.

At last we came outside. He took out his car keys. He dragged me toward his car which was parked in the front parking lot. We quickly exited the club premises.

He drove in silence. I started shivering. Not due to the AC but the fear was increasing minute by minute.

After a few minutes his cell phone, which was still with me buzzed. "Someone called Gared is calling," I said my voice was trembling.

"It's the person I sent after your brother. Put it on speaker."

I did what he asked me to do. "Hello," Said a voice over the phone."

"Gared what happened?" David asked.

"It was an accident David. The car got crushed by a bus." On hearing that my heart seemed to have stopped. My vision blurred.

"How?" David asked.

"That kids bumped his car and the car was crushed by the bus coming on the other side."

"Is the kid okay"

"They are taking him to the hospital. I'm following the ambulance," Gared answered.

"Okay. We are coming to the hospital. Me and the kid's sister." David took the phone from me and ended the line.

I felt like I have been punched right at the heart. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't say anything. I felt the tears running down my cheeks but I didn't try to wipe it.

"Hey it's gonna be okay," David said. He handed the phone back to me. "Here call your parents."

I took it but just remained staring at the screen. The world was spinning and I don't know how to stop.

"I think I'm sick" I said. He took out a bag from the glove compartment and handed it to me.

I grabbed it immediately and vomited in it. I groaned.

He opened the windows to let in some fresh air. I threw the bag in a trash can on the way.

As the hollow feeling crept in I broke down crying. This time he didn't say anything. I was helpless right now. My worst fear just became true.

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