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This chapter is dedicated to Rosabbit who made this amazing cover.

The club was incredible from the outside I have to give it that. It was huge and the party lights are visible even from outside.

We got our fake Id only half hour ago. We didn't even have to see anyone. We just called a number Ajay gave and said our details. Then the ID came an hour later. It was just dropped in front of our house. By then Myra was fast asleep so we were able to slip out easily. I wore a baggy t shirt and a full length pants covering all parts of my body. The place we were going was outright shady and I don't want to give anyone the wrong opinion.

Here we are now in front of the club waiting in the queue. Beside me Ryan was super excited. I don't know why. I don't see anything in this place which excites me. It actually scares me. Scares me a lot. I don't know how Ryan can even enjoy this when he knows that our parent's death was due to a mistake of a drunk driver. That news alone is enough for me to ban drinking from my life forever.

As if sensing my fear, few men behind me started sneering at my direction. "That skinny one," I heard one say.

"Are you sure?" I heard another say to the first one. "She sure is ugly." I found my anger raising.

"It's going to be dark inside anyway. Doesn't matter then. I want a date now. Nancy dumped me," said the first one.

"Don't worry pal. We'll get her," said the other.

I couldn't take it anymore. I turned to give them a piece of my mind but Ryan stopped me. "Don't!" He said. "It will become a big problem."

"Coming here is itself a crazy idea. No need for a bigger problem than this stupidity of yours," I said frowning at him. He still clutched my hand but said nothing. I scoffed and made him drop his hands. I crossed my hands in my stomach looking absolutely irritated. I know it doesn't make any difference. Ryan was too excited to even think of me.

"Sam I will not let anything happen," he said.

I wasn't too sure about it. He was going to be drunk anyway. I will not drink. So it would be me who will be on the guard. God I hope he can control himself. Self control is not one of his thing. And I know that once he loses control there is nothing I can do to stop him. Lets face it. He is much stronger than me. So strong that when he hugs it feels like he is trying to crush my ribs.

Soon we found ourselves inside the club. It was just as I imagined.

It was too huge, huge enough to make me feel nauseous when I looked up. And of course, it was jam backed with people.Music was playing so loud that I have to cover my ears. People round me were erotic as they danced. An endless amount of people drinking endlessly. Nobody seemed to care how they looked. All these high-end people who would never have dared to look this stupid when they are sober. I can see a man in blazer, just jumping up and down with a girl beside him who seemed to think she was twerking.

"Never ever leave me," I pleaded with Ryan. But I don't think he understood what I said. He just nodded. A broad smile was plastered on his face making him look like a drunkard which he probably was going to be in a few hours.

I, for one, am not comfortable to say the least. I already felt dizzy and claustrophobic in this huge hall. Asphyxiation took over me and these people who need to be steadied hitting on me. Both men and women looked like a predators now and I felt the need to attack anyone who is coming in few inches radius of me.

Beside me Ryan started to dance, or rather move around awkwardly. Usually wherever we go people starts laughing. But here they couldn't care less. It seems to me that they wouldn't mind even if a tiger was among them.

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