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"The rules are simple," he said. I was still on the floor, massaging my throbbing wrists. He was leaning casually against the wall with a smirk on his face.

"I had hid 10 things around the house. I will give you half hour to find it. I will tell you the significance of the object when you find them. Fair warning- it is very hard, dear."

I kept silent as he explained the 'game'. Why is it taking David so long to find us? The second plan was pretty simple. 1) Rig all his house. That turned out to be futile. 2) the police.

I know the only leverage he had against us is Ben's death. But right I don't care if I went to jail. As long as this monster is controlled. I know that I'm playing David's fate here too which implies upsetting Myra who has no idea about this. But he is the one who proposed this plan and I didn't have a point to argue back.

I have no idea where this place. So I gather it will take a lot of time to find us. But with the police's help they can find us easily. I guess I have to keep up with the shit for a long time. If lucky, less than half hour.

"Okay ready?" He asked pulling me up roughly. I nodded my head unsure. If they don't find me soon then I'm really dead. Oh God! One last wish...

"Here is the list of things I hid." He handed me a list which I memorized quickly. My life may depend on this now.

And I began to search. He was right, it is very hard. This house is huge and had a lot of hiding places.

Within 10 minutes I found 3 objects. A mirror-to show how ugly I'm inside and out. Miniature 3 monkeys statue- for the sins I committed. Then it was the photo of me with my family in the Himalayas. He must have took it from my room when I wasn't able to get in there. Tears streamed down my face when I looked at it. Every one of us are happy. It was like a million years ago. I had no problem, no psychotic killer waiting to kill me, no family destroyed, no innocents murdered. So peaceful, so nice.

"Are you planning on finding on other objects?" He asked standing beside me. I sighed placing the the photo carefully in the bag given to me.

Time was running out. I just have 10 minutes left and I have 5 objects to find. The possibility that anyone would find me was very less and I lost all the hope I placed on it.

Maybe I'm going to die today. It was a grave possibility. But after everything I went through it seemed like a nice possibility. Maybe I will live. But what then. If David carried out the plan, we will go to jail. I know Jail will ruin my life. Moreover it will break Myra's heart. But then what is the possibility that he will get the justice I want him to get. He will be sent back to India and then maybe he will get capital punishment there. But things change and he may escape once again. If that happens, Myra's life will be in danger. Even Angela and her brother's life will be in danger and that is not what I want right now.

"Time up!" He clapped his hands with fake excitement.

The bag fell from my hands and I heard the photo shatter. I know that this is inevitable, but when this moment actually came it was way more scary than I thought it would be. My heart was beating so fast that it felt like my chest is going to burst, When that maniacal smile returned to his face I started sweating profusely. He came towards and time slowed down. I can see his smile, I can feel his heart beat, I can sense his happiness.

This is it. This is how I'm going to die. There was no emotions left except for fear. Maybe I'm going to die with my eyes wide ope, blood spewing from everywhere, slowly, painfully like he promised. Now he was right in front of. Clutching my throat he slowly started to tighten his grip. I began to choke and spots seemed to appear before my eyes. I opened my mouth to let in some air which didn't seemed to help in the least. There was a searing pain in my chest as my lungs started craving for oxygen. My head was pounding wildly and I closed my eyes unable to process anything. I tried to be limp, to reduce the pain. But my body convulsed. My legs buckled and now I'm on my knees.

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