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Have you ever felt guilt. Not the one after you stealing money from your parents or copying in a test. The one that makes you want to rip your heart right out. The one which almost tends to physical pain. Well if you haven't, good for you. It means you have the luxury to sleep at nights and wake up feeling just normal.

I have had those times. But this one week is enough to make me that my life is going to get worse and worse and worse.

I killed Ben. But now this text from a stranger opened a whole new path for me. God if it's true. Then Ben didn't kill Ryan. Ryan's death wasn't an accident. It was planned. And ultimately I'm the reason for all this.

I always knew life always gives us lemons. I have had my share of bad experiences. But honestly had no idea that there is room for more mess in my life.

But the sucky part is there is no way to check whether the text said was true. And more than that I couldn't know who sent that creepy text.

And above all David is suddenly missing. His phone is still switched off, I couldn't see him anywhere. Maybe he is avoiding me intentionally. Or if the text is true, then Gared is lying. Considering Gared is his man, he too is holding back something from me.

To say that this week had been chaotic is an understatement. I'm on the edge of paranoia. Jumping at light noises or getting suspicious at small things.

Worst part was going to school. I see Angela and his friends everyday. I was really tempted to go ask them what happened that night. But it would only arouse suspicion especially when it's been almost two months since Ryan died and the matter has been forgotten. Moreover confronting them is as good as confronting Gared. It reveals absolutely nothing.

Even though I'm scared, part of me want to hear from the person who texted me again. At least he/she can throw a light on all the messy mystery in my life. I want to know what I did in the past. He said I lied. But I didn't lie to anyone which would cause this reaction.

Anyway so begins a new day. I, the tortured soul, got up and got ready. Had a very lousy breakfast. At least Myra is bubbling with joy.

"I got the job!" She announced before I even said good morning.

"Congratulations!" I exclaimed vaguely remembering her telling that she went for an interview last week.

"I know its partly because the CEO is an Indian," She said handing the toast.

"I don't think so," I said. "You really work hard. Give yourself some credit."

She had a wide smile plastered on her face which led to me wondering what would happen if I told her everything. She is too innocent to be middle of something like this. Unlike me she has an ability to stay away from problems.

Just then my phone beeped. I checked. My heart rate quickened. It was from the same blocked number.

Hey! Dying to meet me? Well you have that wonderful opportunity. Come to No.12, Adams street in 10 minutes.
See you hon
-you definitely know me.

I snapped the phone shut rather too loudly. Luckily Myra was busy cleaning humming to herself still smiling.

"I gotta leave. Got to visit the...library," I ended.

"Bye," she chirped. I immediately took my backpack and left.

I caught a cab and gave the driver the address. My heart rate didn't slow down. David was wrong. I'm not a person to seek excitement. I'm the one who try hard to stay away from it. Yet here I'm. Going to make a deal with a possible killer.

We arrived at the place sooner than I wished. I paid the driver and turned around to face to see the house.

It was huge. But it did have a very scary aura like the houses in horror movies. I shivered even though I wore a jacket.

I walked slowly across the porch. I stood in the entrance and debated whether I should knock or whether I should just enter. When I turned the handle I found it wasn't locked so I went in.

"Hello ," I called out trying to keep my voice from trembling. My fear is in it's peak. The dark room which has no furniture was also very creepy.

I walked in the darkness towards a room on the right side. I pushed open the door which was ajar.

That room too was dark. There was only a table on the center of the room. It was cramped unlike the previous room. I thought nothing else was there till I turned around. I immediately gasped.

It was a little girl strapped in a chair. Hands, legs all bound. She was unconscious.

I was so scared. But I did not dare to wake her up or even go any near. Her face too was covered in blood,her curly blonde hair covering most of it. She had a eerie calm look in her face.

Suddenly light flashed from behind. I turned around. There on a LED screen behind me, which I didn't notice before, was a hooded figure.

"Hey Sam," He said. I gasped aloud. "Good to meet you although I have been following you for over a year. You trust so easily hon." His voice was gruff. It seemed like he is trying to change his voice. But it was definitely male.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"People have been lying to you for a very long time. And you, like a stupid little girl don't get the truth staring at you."

Does he mean David? Got to be.

I assumed it must be the person who sent the text. "What do you want?" I asked summoning all the courage inside me. But all I want to do right now is run away from this place. I started sweating and my throat seemed to have blocked.

"Good that you want to speak business. Okay your task is simple. You see that small packet on the table," he said. It was there. Another thing I failed to notice.

"It is cocaine. All you have to do is consume it," He said. He must be kidding right? He is kidding. "Normally I would want to enjoy seeing you smoking it but unfortunately we don't have time. I have to make you feel the helplessness, the pain you gave me. The tortures I had gone through for years. This is kinda the day I have been waiting for over a year."

I opened my mouth but he interrupted me. "Before you ask something, I have to warn you. You see the little girl behind you? Of course you have. If I press this button," he pointed to a button beside him,"a rather high voltage electricity will pass through her. For every question you ask I will push the button. She is too frail and innocent, unlike you, to bear that sort of shock," he paused. "You may continue."

I hesitated. But no thought arose. I stood rooted to the place. My hand was doing a dance on its own, nearing the packet and then pulling back.

"Time is Pain, hon," he said his hand hovering dangerously near the button.

Without thinking I grabbed the packet, tore it open and emptied the small content in my mouth.

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