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An hour later David, Myra and I were sitting on the hospital hallway each sipping coffee. I realized that this is the only food I have had in like a day. And remember coffee isn't the best thing to have when you are absolutely famished.

All the three of us were silent. But our mentalities are different. David and I were really freaked out while Myra was bubbling with joy. She kept saying that we are like a complete family now. It made me sad that she thinks that nothing could never go wrong now when we were in the verge of losing everything.

Before Myra barged outside the hospital room, David and I had a brief thought of whether we can tell her everything. Now that Lilly is back us that would have been our best idea considering then we could really keep Myra safe and secure inside our house.

But once she came out, all very excited, we didn't have the mind to tell her that. It would have gone like this. "Congratulations, you finally have someone like a family to you. Now, do you know that you are going to be killed?"

After a brief conversation with Lilly we found that she too didn't know how he looked. We understood that she was a little bit drugged whenever he met her. That thought made me sick in the stomach. How could any person be so monstrous like this. She is a little girl and he made deep fear root in her mind which I think will never be forgotten by her. I remember when I was her age, my biggest concern is how to steal Ryan's chocolates without him noticing. Not about death of course.

"What happened why are you guys so tense," Myra asked staring at us confused. Of course she noticed. David was looking like he going to throw up and I'm biting my nails.

"Nothing," I covered up quickly smiling. "It's just that, th-the conversation with his Lilly's grandparents, yeah that was so heated." She was still staring at me dubious showing she is not exactly by the bullshit of a lie I said. But thankfully she didn't say anything.

Just then a nurse came to inform that we could take Lilly home.

"Oh and Mr.Grover is at our place. There has been an unexpected business meeting held here and at the last moment no rooms were available so I offered him the guest room for like four days. Hope that wouldn't be a problem?" She asked David. "No problem at all," he replied.

I sighed. Four days of the most dullest person in the world. This is exactly what I want. Another person to look after, making sure he is not killed.

At least now we have a lead.

Soon after Myra came out of the room she started scolding me again. By that time I have lost my will to argue, I was so shook.

"You don't know how much I was worried you idiot. You got me so paranoid. When I didn't see you for an hour I noticed that Ajay was gone too. So I thought you was with him, talking I mean. I always thought you and him had something going on. And then his brother was not there too. That was really weird. Then they showed up and you didn't, God I got freaked out..."

But I had stoped listening long time ago. Ajay was missing? That says a lot. David and I stared at each other grinning. It seemed fitting. He is an Indian. His brother could reach the profile of the hooded guy.

So yeah, this is all we got. Two people pitting against us for no apparent reason. The motive, that is what we got to figure out first. He had remained friends with Ryan for more than a year. Though him and I weren't that close or we didn't want to kill each other. At least that's what I thought. coming to think of it, Ryan and Ajay became close only after our parents died.

His brother is more like a brother to me. He helped me get through my initial depression and obsession with killing myself when Ryan himself was crying oceans. Felt good to have someone else care for me. And later when we moved to New York we kind of drifted apart and lost contacts. But Ryan and Ajay still remained friends and I only talked occasionally.

All the way back home, in the cab, Myra was obsessing over Lilly. Checking her bandages, Worrying whether she had an overdose of painkillers etcetera. I can't help but smile at this. It was so sweet.

At the front door we were greeted by mr.Grover, now wearing shorts and t-shirt. He smiled warmly at me and Lilly. It seemed like he used to do that a lot.

I went to my room and hit the shower immediately. It was nearing summer and sweat covered me the moment I walked out fully dressed. Damn cameras. Now that Lilly is safe with us I didn't feel the need to keep up the act. I pulled out the tiny camera from under my study desk and threw it to the opposite wall. I smiled when I heard the lens shatter. Great!

Its been five days and nothing happened till now. Don't get me wrong, I'm very relieved. At the same time very, very scared. I know that someday he is going to attack again. This waiting is worse than a head-on assault right now. Unpredictablity of his attacks is the one which makes him more formidable.

Mr.Grover had already left for a meeting, Myra and David said they had made reservation for dinner.

"Can you take care of Lilly tonight?" He asked. I nodded my approval smiling lightly at the little girl.

They left soon all dressed up. I hope they are safe. I hope we will remain safe till they come back. Hey, we had a gunman protection before. Now it's just a little girl with a total wuss. I'm sure if we have to fight to death now, I would lie down and start crying. I had had enough near death experience for my life time.

After they left Lilly and I agreed to read a small book. I remembered that that was the book my mother used to read for us when we were like her age. The memories it brought back was very sweet as well as made me sad. If only my parents hadn't died. If only we didn't come here. There was a hell lot of if only involved in my life.

At last when we finished the book, I looked up to see her staring at me. "I'm scared. What if anything happens to daddy," she asked. The fear in her eyes could melt anyone's heart. What type of a monster would do this to her.

"You don't worry. Daddy can take care of himself. And if you are sad he will be sad too," I said when she started to cry.

"Now you don't cry. Nothing will happen to you or daddy anymore. Now if you stop crying, we can have ice cream!"

An hour later we were sitting on the couch having ice cream. She needed this or not, I needed this. Since my childhood ice cream had been my stress buster. After Ryan died I found myself eating a whole tub of ice cream, per day, by myself.

"Why did you lie to Aunt Myra?" She asked. This little girl is way better in starting a conversation than me.

"Because we don't want to worry her. She will get so upset. She can't handle this as well as you can because she is a little girl," I said smiling. She smiled too, than said nothing for a long time.

"But lying is bad, isn't it. When my mom died that uncle said he would help me. He said he like m-me," she started crying again. "He also said to me that lying is bad. He said that people who lie will be punished. I don't want daddy to get punished." I patted her lightly, trying to console her.

But my mind is elsewhere.

Liars gets punished. That has been the motto of our villain forever. But what was the damn lie here. What was it about my parents. Their accident? He played the video of me talking to Ryan about giving an official statement about the driver of the bus.

And then I knew the answer.

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