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I gasped involuntarily unable to process what is happening. It is an impossible thing. Yet it is happening.

Seeing my reaction she laughed. Her face redened, her chest heaving high. She pulled my bag and switch off my phone.

"What? How? Wh-" I stopped when my my head threatened to burst.

"Why?" She asked smirking at me. "Isn't it obvious. Or did you expect a man here?" She sat on the dusty chair crossing her legs.

I looked at her beyond surprised. Of course I expected a man. It was bloody man who was there during the accident.

"Well, I'm not surprised. The thing that I found out from stalking you is that you are dumb."

I'm surprised that I'm not remotely offended by this. Anger is a past emotion for me.

"Okay, let me explain," she got up dusting her hands and legs. She extended her hands. "Hi! I'm Angela alias Ayush Chadda."

I stared at her. By now I may even look surprised.

She let her hand down. "Okay, let me explain. You and your lying brother had ruined my life in many ways. For starters you sent my step dad to jail."

"Step dad?" Oh My God!

"Uh-huh," she said nodding her head with a smirk on her face.

"Your step dad is Girish Kapoor?"

"Yes! Oh My God how many times should I tell you before it sinks into your brain?"

"Anyway, my dad, the person I loved the most, has been sent to jail for a crime he didn't commit. And when he died, my mother became crazy. True love whatever," she waved her hand dismissively. I noticed her voice was quivering.

"Girish went back to India to set up a life there for us. That is the only way she can live her life forgetting my cheating dad. The real one. He had worked hard there and at last after months he called us informing that we could come there. He had already bought a house, arranged a school for me and all. He loved us beyond anything. I was so happy." Tears were streaming down her face. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. Just momentarily, before Ryan came into my mind.

"What did Ryan do? Or even Ben?" I spit out. I wanted to punch her horse like face.

"He could have done many things, your brother. He could have found out the truth as he definitely knew that your parents were drunk."

I closed my eyes. My head was spinning and tears was pooling in my eyes. But I decided not to let it out. Not now.

"Ben though, like I said he is a collateral damage. But it was sad. For a year he loved me. But I'm still surprised at my own acting skills. Fooled everyone didn't I?" She smiled again. She looked kind of childish now. Innocent, harmless, definitely not a venomous snake.

"Now, everything is complete. You fell into the trap all as expected. So,what are we going to do now?"

She paused awkwardly. I stared at her curiously waiting for any sudden attack. Not that I would be able to defend myself.

"Uh, what?" She said suddenly. I realized something was wrong. She looked like an actor who forgot the scrip.

Who forgot the script...

I ran to her and pushed her hard to the chair. She struggled, but I grabbed both her hands with one of mine and looked at her ears. Concealed behind her dark hair is clearly an earpiece.

I snatched it from her ears and put it in mine. I fought hard to control her. After some time she gave up and started to cry.

All I heard was muffled sound of someone breaking something.

"What is happening?" I asked her holding her hands.

"I'm so sorry," she said her voice barely audible through all the sobs. "He, he threatened my little brother I had no choice but to act like this." She broke down crying.

I just stared her forgetting everything about the hustle on the other side of the ear piece.

"Please." She stood up. "I want to know whether he is okay. Please ask whoever is there to see whether he is okay."

I nodded once.

"David is that you?" I asked.

"It's me." It was Myra.

"Is there a little boy over there? Is he safe?"

"Yes he is safe. I bought him outside safely."

"He is safe," I said to Angela who sighed with relief smiling and thanked me.

"Who is it?" I asked. My heart was racing.

"Don't know. There was no one inside the house instead of the little boy. Where the hell or you?"

My excitement was burst like a balloon. "Long and terrifying story. Where are you? I will come there."

"Just come home," she said and I agreed.

I turned to Angela. "Do you know who it is?" I asked.

She shook her head. "I just had a video chat with him once. He was hooded."

I sighed disappointed. We were so close to find who it was. But as always our plans never ever work out properly.

"Okay, lets go to my house. My friends has your brother."

"Oh thank god! Thank you so much and I'm so sorry," she said quickly. I just nodded urging her to get out quickly. This place still creeped me so much.


"So he messaged me to fall into the trap with Angela. Then he messaged you guys to get her brother? That doesn't make any sense."

The four of us were gathered in our living room after making Lilly and Angela's brother Jacob to sleep. That was not a very easy job.

"It makes sense for me," Angela said. The rest of us looked at her surprised.

"When Ben died I wasn't able to believe that it was an accident. I thought you were involved somehow. I wanted revenge. So when I dug up the story I uncovered some truth. And then by following you guys around I found the rest. Then he found me and threatened me. I guess this incident is a warning for me to keep my mouth shut."

"So technically you did stalk us," Myra said.

"Angela listen. I seriously thought Ben killed Ryan. It was a spur of the moment decision blinded by anger..."

She cut the chase. "I understand. Actually I don't but I understand the need of revenge."

I smiled awkwardly. I could never forgive myself for what I did and I don't expect her to forgive me. But it was the thing I wanted to say to her for a very long time and I did it now.

"So what do we do now. Wait for his next move," Myra asked breaking the awkward silence.

"Yes. Together. And..." I stood up. "Safely." I went around the house and made sure that all the doors and windows are locked shut.

"Do you think we will be safe here," Angela asked. "I mean you said there are cameras all around."

"I kind of got used to that," I said surprised at own matter of fact tone. "Anyway we are as safe as we could ever be. I don't want to be out there so that he could snatch us."

"That's true," she agreed. "Anyway I call the couch."

"Okay then I will take Take Ryan's room." Ever since he died we did not disturb his room. Even as I said those words I felt a shiver down my spine.

I'm surprised at how normal this day ended considering the things we went through today. I guess all these life threatening situations are the new normal for us now.


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