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The place appeared more scarier than before. All I wanted to do was run away. Instead I opened the door acting stupid as I am.

The room was much less crowded. Guess it's only the nightly visiting place. But it nevertheless made me squirm. The first time I came here I was with David. Now there is no one to protect me from the looks of these men. I still don't see a woman at this place.

I didn't look anywhere else. I just walked straight to the door on the far end ignoring the jabber of men who don't feel the need to be subtle about discussing how ugly I am.

When I reached the door I reached to the handle. But out of no where a man barred my entry.

"Sorry members only," He said in a monotone.

"I'm here to meet David," The thought that I didn't even know his last name scared me now.

"David Stanley?" He asked. "Got to be him" I said.

"You are?" He asked. "Samaira."

He opened the door and went inside swiftly shutting it before I could see what's going on inside. I presumed it to be a secret meeting of different assassins.

After a while David came out smiling lightly. His dark hair was messy. His clothes was crumbled and the jeans seemed a little short for him. But he is too tall. So tall that I have to crane my neck now that he is standing right in front of me. "Hey. I thought you said that you don't want to get involved in this?" He asked.

"Yes. Well. First of all thanks for the help," I said squirming. My heart started racing.

"Okay. You're welcome," He said smiling. "And second of all?"

"And second of all." I paused not knowing how to tell this. Now I really want to just run out. But somehow I was rooted to that spot and somehow I started speaking again.

"See. I know generally how I would have felt if I'm behind a person's murder. But now I don't feel a bit guilty. Fear, yes but no guilt."

"It's just normal. Just chill. That boy killed your brother. You just served justice," He said calmly.

"No. The thing is." I paused again. There is no better way to rephrase it. "I want to join you," I said so fast that I'm not sure whether he understood me.

"Join what?" He asked confused.

"Your group...of... your... okay I'm leaving now," I said. Okay making fool of myself. Check.

"You want to join my group?" He asked smiling amused.

"Not as an assassin. Just help you," I said feeling utterly stupid. Now I'm ready to dash out the minute he turns angry. I guess being called an assassin is not he wished.

But he started laughing. Now i was really shocked. It's not what I expected. "I understand that you are not kidding." I nodded utterly perplexed.

"Oh okay" he said trying to control his laughter. "But it's definitely funny. You, the person scared to indirectly kill a boy, want to join us?" he at last manged to stop the laughter. "Okay. If you are really serious. The answer is no of course. I told I don't kill anyone now. it's just some small illegal jobs. The thing I did for you was help. Okay. Got it? Now I have to get inside. And you must go," He said patting me on the shoulder.

I turned around and waled out of the building not once looking back.

as soon as i exited the building I paused. I was sure that he would reject my offer. what was i thinking? Did one bad deed and now suddenly i want to be a bad person.

But I expected him to react differently. I thought he would take this seriously. But instead he ws amused by my proposal.It's not funny at all.

I'm not as weak as he had presumed. And I will prove that to him.

Hey readers!!
So now the stories has had many turns. Do you find it interesting. Please comment your views.

And I just want to mention here that this story is my own piece of work. I don't encourage plagiarism. The story may sound a little cliché but I assure you I will introduce more unexpected twists as possible.

Comment. Vote if and if only you like it.

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