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One wonderful quote
When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.

My immediate reaction is to cough. The powder which I haven't swallowed spattered on the floor. I clutched the table,my stomach heaved dryly.

"Careful not to cough all out" the man warned me. "I want to see how the drug reacts. To see you helplessly struggle."

I tried to suppress the cough. "Why?" I managed to stammer.

"Tsk tsk." He smirked lightly. But his image blurred as my vision doubled. "I didn't tell you you had the privilege to ask question," he said placing his fingers at the button.

"No," I shouted. I was still doubled over clutching my stomach. Now my head started hurting so bad and I felt faint.

"Now are you feeling the helplessness dear?" He asked. I turned towards the screen but my vision was completely blurred. I saw noting but dark patches.

"Do you feel the dread. The deep pain. Of course the physical pain you feel right now is nothing compared to what I have gone through because of you and your family. You have enjoyed being the little girl of a police officer for very long. It's time to remove the look of innocence in your ugly face. It's past time you get what you deserve."

"That drug is not a cocaine," he said. I looked up surprised. Now there was a blinding pain in my stomach and I let out a short shout of pain.

"Yes. It is designed for you by myself. Gives you physical pain, robs your senses. In short makes you wish you were dead." Now his voice seem distant.

Everything faded to white. The last thing I heard was his laugh. A very snorty laugh.


Is this a dream? But I don't remember falling asleep. This must be dream because Ryan was standing beside me. He must be hugging me because I felt a blinding pain in my abdomen.

"Ryan?" I croaked. But that effort too brought pain. I felt like I was set in fire. I'm pretty sure this will stop if I woke up. But I couldn't. And even if I could, I wouldn't because when Ryan released me I saw my parents behind me. My mother's kind,pale yet beautiful face. My father's stern yet loving face. They were healthy looking, unlike the bloody mess as I saw them the last time.

"Mom?" I called out. I'm not dreaming because I can feel the tears streaming down my cheeks. But how can it be real? I know they died. Yet here they are in front of me. The only persons in the world who can smile so kindly at me. All my loved ones. Those I lost?

But the pain was definitely real. The pain and my mother's smile. It felt so real, so true than everything that happened before. Than their death.

Maybe when the pain stops than I will return back to reality. No! I don't care about the pain. As long as I can be here,beside my family.

"Samaira, you are the best!" I heard my mother say even though her mouth remained closed. I know the time she said that to me before. It was when I won a debate competition 5 years ago. I remembered it too well. Ryan was moody because he didn't win and our dad started scolding for not being happy for me.

But those words seem more real now than before. Even those memories was starting to fade away. Everything I remembered about them became became blank. That thought scared me more than everything else.

Now even they faded in front of my eyes. They just became dust flying away. Away from me. No! Don't go! I wanted to shout. But I couldn't. I could only clutch my abdomen and double over as the pain became unbearable.

Then suddenly a door opened in the white nothingness. Ryan re-entered. He looked shocked. "Samaira?" He said. But it was not his voice though it was really familiar.

I smiled and fell on him finally getting a relief from the pain.


"Samaira!" I felt a hand shaking me lightly. "Samaira wake up. Hey!" I couldn't open my eyes. It was like it was glued shut. My whole body was sore like it was in pain for a very long time. Tears were still streaming down my face though I don't know why?

I at last managed to open my eyes. Even that was painful. Everything was blurred. When I at last focused I saw David. He was crouched beside me, his face showed fear, his blue eyes open wide.

"David?" I said feebly. He did not say anything but just stared at me. I tried to get up but fell back groaning. I lifted my hands sure that it would be bruised. But it was as pale as it was before, not even one mark.

He tried to lift me lightly but I winced and pulled away. It was just too painful.

"Samaira what are you doing in my house?" He asked.

"Your house?" I asked surprised. He looked at me strangely. The hooded man he is dangerous. I can't trust him.

"Yeah," He said still looking shocked.

I turned around slowly. There was no trace of the little girl. The table is not there, and even the LED screen had disappeared. Oh my God!

"I came here to see you," I lied. My fear peaked when he looked at me with a stare that said that he didn't believe a word I said.

"How did you get in?" He asked.

"You must learn how to lock your door if you don't want any intruders," I said. He didn't seem amused in the least.

He tried to lift me up again. This time I allowed him. Finally I got up wincing again and again. He made me stand up.

"Water," I asked. My mouth felt like it was filled up with sawdust and my throat seared every time I talked.

"I'll get it. You sit." He made me sit in a chair. The one little girl was tied to. I jumped up wincing again. He looked up surprised.

"No it's okay. I'll leave now," I said picking up the bag which was still in the place I dropped it when I came in.

"Samaira wait." He turned me around by my shoulder. "You owe me an explanation."

"I came here to apologise to you for what I said before," I said again amazed at how fluently I lied. "When I came in I hit myself in the wall and I fainted I guess."

He looked me like he cannot believe that I said this shit and I cursed my terrible lying skill. "Samaira. I ask you one more time..."

"This is what happened. And why should I answer you when you have been the master of secrecy." I half shouted.

"This is my bloody house. And you broke into it and you are not answering any questions," he said very slowly. Now I ran out of all arguments.

"David. I don't know what to do. I have been stuck in this personal problem. All I ask you to do is to believe me. Please."

Now that was a total crappy talk of believing me. But I was not ready to trust him. For all I know he could be the hooded man or some accomplice of his. I don't need any more complications. And honestly right now I'm so tried for any confronting.

He stared at me for some time then broke the stance. "At least let me drop you at home."

"No it's alright I can manage," I said immediately afraid. A alone ride with my main suspect. No thanks.

"I'm not asking you," he said firmly. "God you look awful! If I let you like this you will end up fainting down the street."

Now I had no choice. "What time is it?" I asked.

"It's 7 pm." He said checking his watch.

"What?" I exclaimed. He looked up surprised so I covered it up quickly. I have been here for nearly 8 hours. Myra is going to flip out.

Now here I am. In the car with a possible murderer of my brother and a person who definitely murdered probably many people before. Life does enjoy making my time here a bloody mess.

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