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Okay first I have been forced to have drugs now I don't even hear anything. Seriously, I thought his deal was to torture me. Well he must have decided I had enough torture losing my whole family in questionable accidents.

Anyway that's not an end of every problem. David became a constant visitor. First it was when Myra "forgot" a file she was supposed to work on. Then before I knew they started going on dates. I don't know if I should be scared for her. I mean he is possibly the killer of my family and definitely an assassin and a drug dealer. She is definitely in danger.

My only redeeming quality (for which I have been complimented in odd ways) is that I'm a nerd. And a nerd should keep up her grades. And that isn't happening. I got a B is biology! I can't even imagine how is that possible. I have never got a grade other than A my whole life! My whole life is in a downward spiral.

Even Myra started to notice something is wrong. She probed and probed and probed. Those landmines are really threatening me. One wrong move, one wrong word, and I'm done. More importantly it is dangerous for her to know. My brief meeting with the enemy is enough for me to know that he is formidable.

"Samaira, you have been acting so weird lately."

"I'm so worried about you."

"You know you could share anything with me,don't you?"

And so on it goes everyday, every time she sees me. I usually have some really idiotic explanation to escape that situation like some assignment which I have to complete by the very next day (like I would have an incomplete assignment till the last minute) or a test the next day. I know she doesn't buy this but it managed to stop her for the time being.

School is another form of hell. The teachers, the students... ugh... I don't even see the point of going there any more. Even stepping out of the house creeps me.

I was watching you.

That is the creepiest phrase I ever heard.

And now he sent me the report and I don't know what the hell I should do with it. I hid it in my cupboard and took it out every day and read through. It angered me that the last memory of my parents is this piece of shit. How is that for a great life they led. Is there any way for me to forget their death for once. I don't want to get reminded of their mangled body every time I remember them. I want to remember how they lived, as my great parents, not Mr and Mrs Verma, the two victims of a very tragic accident.

...for what you and your family did to me.

But what is it?

I have never ever felt this irritated before. Irritated by what happened before, irritated because I don't know why it had happened or how, irritated that I have no idea of what will happen to me now. It's ironic that Life, can make you so panicky, that you wish you had Died.

There were times before my parent's death when I thought I was invincible. That there can be no harm done to me. I didn't care much about mortality of me or my family. According to me nothing could go wrong in my peaceful life. Well, now it is like waking up as someone pour ice cold water on you and yelling "Surprise! Life is a mean bitch."

And now was the beginning of another bloody day. Only regular thing in my life is the flow of time, much to my disappointment. At least it was Sunday. That means sitting in my house basically thinking over and over about this unsolvable problem Yay!

When I went down for breakfast, Myra was having a heated conversation in the phone. David was in the kitchen making himself a sandwich. When he saw me he asked me whether I wanted one. I just frowned at him. Whenever Myra was not around I dropped the act of liking him.

He just shrugged and took a bite at his sandwich. By the time I made my own, Myra had finished her call.

"This sucks," she said throwing her phone on the couch.

"What is it Babe," David asked as if he is really concerned. I rolled my eyes. God he is a good actor.

"The company asks me to go to a two month tour to Washington DC," she grumbled.

"Oh. That's too bad. I have had a wonderful 2 month anniversary planned," he said. I wanted to roll my eyes again but Myra was looking at me.

"Aww. And I also want someone to take care of Samaira," she said making her own sandwich.

"She can stay at my house," he said. I looked up startled. Oh God No!

"That would be great!" She exclaimed. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Chloe would be thrilled." Chloe who? Oh yeah Chloe his "sister".

"Great! I will be leaving next week." What happened to the part where they ask my permission? She looked at her watch. "I'm getting late." She got up. "You coming?" She asked him.

"Will come after some time babe. Have a small work to finish," he said stretching.

"Okay." She took her handbag and left.

He turned towards me. I quickly got up, ready to bolt at any sign of danger.

He smiled as if he is amused. "Samaira if I want you dead, believe me, you would be dead the next moment."

I moved farther away from him near the counter ready to grab the knife.

"You know about me don't you?" he asked. "That I lied to you about the whole thing." I nodded.

"Well then you better not mess up with me," he said getting up. As he neared him I scooted outside the kitchen. He chuckled.

"Tell me Why. Why did you..."

He held a hand up a hand to stop me but didn't say anything. I wanted to pry more but it is enough fearful conversation for one day. So I just turned and left the house.

Screw me and my deranged nerves.

I wanted to go for a walk, for some fresh air, for some fresh thoughts though that ain't happening.

He definitely will not tell any thing. It is up to me now to find anything. My mystery solving skill is gained by watching english movies and reading agatha christie books. Following footprints, following a person, I can manage. Solving a year old mystery by just sitting and staring at some report, I can't. Why can't life for once stop messing up with me.

But I'm determined to find out what is happening. I'm not going to sit around playing by the rules of some person like a bloody puppet.

Now I have to deal with David first.

Hmmm. How to make a really tough, strong, assassin talk? The skeptic part of my mind is smirking now reminding me of my stupidity. The optimistic part is losing points to counter it.

In between this rather philosophical debate in my mind is when I saw it. In the front of my house is a rather large tree. And in that a paper was pinned.

I walked towards it and took it out. It was blank at one side. I turned it. My heart started to beat fast.

Cursing your fate already? We there's more. You will definitely know when this ends. It would be the time when you will be begging me to kill you.
See you soon.

Oh Crap!

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