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For me that's the worst part. 

I have been used to a different kind of waiting. the pulse racing time in a hospital where all seems to move in slow motion. The hours will stretch, everything will be in a standstill. But still i will find it difficult to wrap my mind on what is going on. Because my brain will have it's own sluggish speed. Trying to process everything, trying to forget some.

But this waiting is different. It's exciting. Great even.

I have been following him all day in the car I borrowed from Myra. He just wandered all day to seemingly random places like a bookstore, a hardware shop, a medical shop.

But I know that it's not random at ll. I've done my homework. The bookstore sold him a copy of "To kill a mocking bird" along marijuana. the hardware store has been used as  "tool" shop for the whole group and in the medical shop he bought something which I couldn't see.

He told me earlier that he stopped being a killer but it doesn't seem seem. His pocket had a bulge which could have passed a  wallet but i know from prior knowledge that it's  gun. Also the thins he did today didn't imply his "innocence".

Now all I could do is to wait as he entered the hospital in which Ryan was admitted. Waiting gives way to imaginations running wild thinking of all the possible reasons for him to visit this place. I for one don't want to be here. This place is and will remind me of Ryan and his marred face when they brought him out of the ICU. I can't even think about it without starting to cry. So instead I concentrated the awesome sandwich in my hand trying not spill the mayonnaise in the car.

Oh what is? Why am I following him? The answer is quite simple. See he didn't consider my offer as a serious thing. so now i'm going to find a reason for him to consider my offer. That way my own impression on me will be improved. I know it sounds stupid. But hey! I'm deeply humiliated. I can be strong if I want to.

I know that the facts I gathered till now will surely come in handy but I don't know how. I will work on that later. I fixed my glance at the hospital front door, waiting for him to exit. He's been there for a very long time. About time he came out. 

And he did. Only not as I expected. 

He was ushered out by two policemen at gun point. The people entering the hospital rushed backward but didn't leave.

I got out of the car and rushed to the place of commotion. I wriggled through the crowd to hear what is going on.

"The doctor clearly said that you threatened her," the one holding the gun said.

"And now she is denying it right? She must have mistaken. She did look confused," David said. I have to applaud for the calmness he maintained. If it were me, I would have panicked and blabbered. Another reason to justify that right now I'm being stupid.

"I would like to see any of your ID. Your driving licence will do," the police said.

"Sure," David said but the panic began to show in his face. The police made the crowd to clear. David walked forward looking determined but I know that his car is parked two streets away. Now was my chance.

When he neared me I came in front of him. "Hey where were you? I was worried," I said. I was in drama club two years go so I tried hard to bring out some of my acting skills. But my heart was hammering too loud that I was sure that the whole crowd must have heard it.

"Samaira?" He asked looking perplexed. Before he could blabber anything I shut him up with  glance.

"Miss. This is an emergency. Do you know him," the policeman asked.

"Yeah. We are friends. We came here from the village to visit a friend here. He had met with an accident and we came to visit him in the hospital. But apparently he was discharged yesterday. So I just went to call him and he." I pointed at David. "suddenly disappeared," I said this all the time wondering how come I came up with this lie so quick. 

He looked at me for  moment suspicious. But I just gave him a confused look. "Is there any problem officer?" I asked.

"No." he said looking at his partner. "Must have been a mistake." He paused staring at us. "You two carry on," He said.

"Thanks," I said already turning away and tugged David's elbow. We walked towards my car trying to look as confident as possible.

I instructed him to drive the car. We drove off the place as swiftly as possible. He didn't stop till we were few blocks way from my house.

"Okay. What were you thinking?" He asked turning to stare at me.

"I was thinking about saving you in case you didn't notice," I said getting uncomfortable with his angry look.

"You don't know how dangerous this is. You could have got both of us in trouble."

"Instead I didn't. So stop this." 

"This is all an excitement for you isn't it. A thrilling game to play," He said coldly.

"No it isn't. You helped me and I want to repay. Why can't this be as simple as that," I said shrugging.

"BECAUSE IT ISN'T," he shouted. I jumped lightly now utterly frightened.

"Wha-" I started before being interrupted rather rudely.

"It isn't about excitement for me okay? It's about survival, about meager living."

"See this isn't about excitement for me either. I lost my whole family. I'm the last person you will expect to excitement. My brother just now died. I have to do this because of a simple reason. It's reb-" I half shouted.

"Yeah it's simple" He calmed down  little. " I know it's a kind of rebound for you. For your loss, I can never be more sorry. But this is not the way it should be done. You have went through  lot in your life. And now you deserve peace.."

"Peace? Seriously? Peace? My whole life was the direct opposite of peace. Have you lost both your parents? Have you..." I paused taking a breath. "Have you lost your brother to some bullies?"

He turned to look at me with an icy calmness. And I know that I'm in a big trouble.

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