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When I woke up at last it was totally dark. I mean pitch black, nothing was visible for me at first. Then my eyes started getting adjusted and I saw some shadows. Nothing distinguishable.

The only absolute thing was the pain. I realized my mouth was plastered shut, both my wrists and legs were tied leaving me in a very awkward,painful, position.

As far as I can see I'm in a small room, which had only one chair right next to me. My screams came out muffled. Everything pained me, even trying to move scared me afraid someone would hurt me more if I start to struggle.

It was hard to remember everything that happened. the memorial, of course this was bound to happen. What was I thinking going alone somewhere? How can I be so stupid. But if he finds hurting me satisfactory that means he will not hurt anyone less. I couldn't even sigh with relief at that thought in this position.

Then of course panic has a weird way to make your body react to it. I started shaking like crazy, taking heavy breaths, trying to scream even though I know full well it wouldn't work. I ended up wasting the very little energy I had. I lay still on the ground, still shaking, tears running down my cheeks.

Summoning all the non-existent energy, I twisted unturned trying to find a way to loosen the chord which is tearing my skin. Of course it was no use.

The tears finally stopped because I had no energy even to cry. My mouth felt like paper and my wrists seemed like they had been sawed. I'm pretty sure I'm bleeding.

I looked around for a way to escape even though I couldn't even stand. There was door at the far end but it seed like I was miles away from it.

I tried to move to the chair nearby so that I could use it stand up. The chair also seemed to have few jagged pieces of wood which I could to cut my bonds.

It was a painful job and it took me nearly 10 minutes to reach the chair which was just a few metres away. I reached out with my tied hand and grabbed one leg of the chair. Then I pulled my up only to fall back. Only now it was more to my advantage as now I was sitting upright instead sprawled on the floor. Oh these little happiness!

The I reached out to one of the jagged ends of the chairs and started to cut the bonds.

The rhythmic up and down movement of my muscles made me lose all my leftover energy. It took what seemed like hours to finally break free from the bonds with all the breaks and power crying I had to take.

Having finished with the hands I bent down to untie my legs.

Suddenly a light pierced on my left side. It was a LED screen which was previously hidden in the darkness.

I turned to a familiar scene. It was a scene in a hospital room. The camera must have been placed in the top right corner of the room.

The conversation was muted. But I remember every word that has been said.

It was after our accident. My parents died and I survived. Luckily Ryan was not there in that car.

Ryan was standing next to hospital bed trying to comfort me. I remember too well that I shouting at him for not being depressed as I was though I knew, even then, that he is too sad. But I cannot stop myself. It was words of pure guilt and hatred towards myself.

Suddenly sound blared from the speaker nearby.

"I'm ready to give the statement. I know who hit us too clearly Ryan." I remember that I was convincing him that I want to go give the police a statement of what happened.

"Are you sure Sam. I mean it must have happened so quickly and you hit your head pretty hard."

As if on cue the scene of the accident played in my mind.

My mother was laughing at the joke my father had just cracked. I was not amused because the joke was about me. I sulked making a face at my father. I was driving shotgun and my mother was at the backseat. Her book forgotten on her lap, she was thoroughly enjoying the moment.

My father, still smiling, tilted his head towards me reaching me with his left hand other hand still on the steering wheel.

Suddenly my mother shouted "Yash, WATCH OUT," pointing to a bus which was coming towards us. I was first confused why is she warning when there is no way that it was going to hit us. But when it neared I realized that it was possible it might hit us.

But my father's momentary distraction made him difficult to react immediately.

He swerved toward the left, making me press myself to the car's door. But there wasn't enough time. The impact jolted me and even now I could feel the jarr it sent in me. The airbag popped up, suffocating me immediately. And I knew at that instant that my parents are never going to make it.

When the driver of the bus hurried towards me I thought I'm going to die too. It was just too much pain.

The last thing I saw was his face. And when I saw it I knew I would never forget it.

The sudden silence brought me back to the reality. I looked at the screen to see these words

Ready to face Karma, bitch.

Those three words really jarred me. What did I do to deserve this? What does any of this have to do with my parent's death. None of this makes sense.

The door banged open causing me to jump.

I looked up to see the shadow of a man standing on the threshold, pointing a gun straight at me.

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