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The next day was spent huddled inside the house. David went out on an espionage to make sure Anjela's parents were okay. No threats, no kidnaps, no accidents and murders. So far so good.

Myra had been forbidden from going to work today. I was restricted from entering my room. So I stayed mostly in living room watching Hindi movies. Angela proved to be the worst company anybody could ask for. She was mostly in a state of paranoia more chronic than Myra. She didn't leave her brother out of her sight. At least in this unfortunate arrangement Lilly was out of Myra's attention.

These two days I could see their father-daughter bond clearly. He was teaching her math and honestly nothing can be more cute. Although I had my share of my humiliation when he asked me General Knowledge question and I wasn't able to answer it.

And of course there was the "planning" which is basically me telling some ideas and Myra and Anjela finding faults in it.

"What about trying to provoke him again?" I asked.

"Great good it did to you last time," Myra said. And that was the thousandth suggestion down the trash.

"Ooh, how about you say you're going to commit suicide now?" David practically jumped with excitement. "He always wants to play with you, torture you. He will not let you die."

"I'm not so sure." Angela had voiced the words in my mind. "The last activities of his seemed to indicate that he is done with her. Maybe he had to kill her off now anyway and he may think that this will make it easier for him."

For some time after that we just stared at each other. It was true. He was playing too far with my life and it was apparent that he has decided that he is going to end it. Once and for all. The thought sent a chill down spine. It isn't just about me now. There were six people involved and I'm not going to let anyone to die for me.

"Anyway, ending or not, we are giving a fight" Angela said leaning forward. "There are four of us and one of him. He have an assassin over here for God's sake! He cannot be physically stronger than him considering he was a bus driver."

In all the two years I have known her I have not seen her like this. Nothing has changed about her except for my perspective. I had limited my view of her, thinking of her as my enemy. In the last few months I have seen her emotional. But never in my mind I thought she was capable of finding the truth. When I see the bully in her, I see this dumb idiot. I didn't even think of how much he loved Ben. If I was ready to do anything for Ryan she will be ready to do the same for Ben.

"Uhm... okay." David said. I can sense his discomfort. He was an assassin a lifetime ago. A lot has changed. He was a father for for crying out loud.

And then so it went. Suggestions and rejections. I was totally tired by dinner so I skipped and went straight to Ryan's room. It was like I felt his presence there. I was surprised that I was able to sleep there. But really I felt a little peaceful. I don't know if it is good or bad. But that peace and comfort was enough to make me go on with my day.


We had decided that just by sitting inside nothing is going to happen. So naturally a scape goat has to be sent out. It's me of course.

"Okay be careful," Myra said hugging me. It was either over dramatic or she had decided that I'm not going to return back.

The plan is that I should take a casual stroll to the library with David monitoring my every move with GPS. I know that he would have already known that since there is cameras all over the place. But we were really desperate. We had a plan B in case he kidnapped me. It was discussed in confidential place-the bathroom!

I got out of the protective bubble feeling like a stupid. Either I will die doing this or nothing is going to happen and we are fooled again.

My heart was beating so fast that I had half a mind to run back home. I was exposed to the world. I tried hard not to look scared but I can't help but twitch whenever a car passed by.

At last I reached the library. I don't know whether I should feel sad that nothing happened till now or feel happy about it.

I sat on the library trying to read the book in my hand. But it felt like deciphering a code. My mind was elsewhere obviously and nervousness took control of it. I glanced around now and then, twitching at even the slightest sound at this absolute silence. It was a school day so there were not many people. In fact it was just me, the librarian,and an old man who looked at me funnily when I flinched when he coughed.

I was there for an hour and nothing happened. Totally irritated and confused I got up, kept the book back in its place and was nearing the exit.

"Samaira!" It was the librarian. He knew me very well as for over a year since the library was basically our second home.

I turned around. He was clutching a note in his hand.

"This is for you signed..." he checked the outside of the folded note. "Ayush Chad-dad? Chad-aa?. How do you pronounce that anyway?"

My mind was racing, beating well out of rhythm. "Did you see who gave it?" I asked my voice shaky.

He stared at me surprised probably due to my normally weird question.

"I don't know. I heard someone call out when I was up, informing me that he had placed the paper in my desk. I just nodded, I was really busy."

"Oh okay thanks." I took the note, my hand trembling.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I must have scared him with all the trembling and fidgeting.

"Yeah I'm fine." I practically ran away from the place.

Once I am out I unfolded the note.

My heart beat rose as I read the note. Eyes widened and a lump formed in my throat.

Thinking of finding the supreme leader by following a lame idea. You should have known better than that now. But why not fulfill your wishes. Its time to stop the chase and kill the mouse.

I felt a hand close my mouth. I was dragged across the deserted street by this strong person. The GPS tracker was removed swiftly. I looked up to see his face. He was staring at me.

The person I knew.

Oh dear God!

A clear cliffhanger because the end is near!
Really excited. Hope you guys enjoy the ending.
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