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We went back home. We agreed that we must make some small talk and I should maintain the same irritation and be aloof.

I made him a promise that I wouldn't do anything that could endanger Lilly. That is the least I could do considering that he is in the mess because of me.

"We could have enjoyed if you didn't sulk like a little girl," he said looking at me by the rear view mirror.

"What makes you think I could ever enjoy a moment when I'm with you," I said trying to inject as much as venom in my words as possible.

He didn't say anything after that, just made a show of glaring at me. I'm glad that everything about him is cleared up now. I didn't want to live a month with him in fear. At least I will sure that he wouldn't hurt Myra. I hope she doesn't get hurt because of me.

He told me before that he had already told about Vivian and Lilly to her leaving, of course, the part of Lilly's kidnapping.

"The thing I like the most about Myra is that she didn't care about my past as long as my future is secure," he told me back at the club. "That and the fact that she loves you guys so much, like a big sister. Not a day passed without her getting reminded of Ryan and become sad. I hate to see her get hurt. She is so innocent. I guess that's when I realized that I love her."

Those words made me feel safe. Myra is innocent and the one thing I know about our enemy is that he has no morals. David said that Ayush is the one to kill Ben. He is ready to sacrifice an innocent boy for his master plan.

I believed him one hundred percent. A person couldn't lie to this level, with such intensity.

As soon as we reached home, I bolted to my room. I closed the door knowing very well that the person, Ayush or whatever, is still watching me. A spy camera in my room. That's just sick. But good thing I never undress in my room, always in the bathroom. Most of my childhood I had to share room with Ryan.

I sat on my bed battling the urge to look straight at the hidden camera. David already has to account for not taking me to the club as he said in the car. It seems that all the potential places I'm likely to visit, school, library, the club, the nearby church, has spy camera or he has the footage recorded by the existing ones.

None of the problems ended and it is not likely to end anytime soon. But I felt a little relief.

My phone screen brightened up, it was a message from Myra.

Where are you guys. I have been calling both you and David for about an hour and no one is answering.

I looked and saw 7 missed calls from her. Despite myself I smiled. David was right, she was real quick in taking up the role of a big sister to us. And we sure love her like one.

I called her at once. She picked it up in just three rings.

"Hey," I said over the phone still smiling. I felt a little warmth talking to her. To hear she is safe and sound.

"Hey? Care to experience your irresponsible behavior? You know how much I'm worried about you don't you? Suddenly you don't answer the phone for hours and what was I supposed to assume?" She shouted.

"Assume that I was busy. You have filled up your space using your loyal boyfriend and now he is torturing me."

She laughed. "I'm sorry. But you didn't leave me much of a choice. I should have done this long ago. I'm worried that you would never come out of it so I have to do something about this."

"Yeah but David?" I asked. It hurts that I have to keep up the act with her too. But too many lives are at stake including hers.

"Why? Is anything wrong?" There comes the worry again.

"No. Its just awkward that's all. He is friend's brother after all."

"Samira, you don't have to lie to me. David told me everything," she said coolly. My heart stopped for a second.

"He did?" I asked shooting up from my bed and rushed downstairs.

"I know that you guys met at the club. You don't have to lie to me."

By that time I was down and was glaring at him. He had a apologetic expression. "Sorry. Forgot to tell you," he mouthed.

I sighed and turned around answering the never-ending volley of questions by Myra. 

At last after what seemed like ten hours it ended. I immediately turned to David. "What did you tell to her?" I asked gritting my teeth.

"Well I couldn't lie to her in matters like this. Especially when she started pestering to bring my sister to dinner," he said.

I let out a short laugh. "I was surprised that she took it so well. She is tougher than we thought we should give her some credit," he continued.

"Yeah well, you have to push people to their breaking point. Then, nothing is like excitement. You wont like to be dare devil when you have experienced first hand danger."

He nodded like he understood. Why would he not. I'm sure he know danger and fear more than me.

I almost forgot I should should act cold.

"Don't you dare hurt her in anyway," I said sharply.

First he seemed surprised, the covered it quickly with a menacing sneer.

Satisfied by my acting skills today I went to bed relieved that I don't have to fear that he will strangle me in sleep.

I had a restful sleep after a long time

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