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Having a giant camera in the middle of my room forced me to lock it. I managed to inform David and Myra about it and surprisingly Myra was not so tensed as I expected her to be.

"I just want to keep Lilly safe now," she said as a matter of fact.

"And now I think my argument had been upgraded as facts," David said smirking at Myra and she rolled her eyes.

"What argument?" I asked. I'm ready to take in anything that can be considered as a lead.

"David believes that it is Mr.Grover," Myra said again with the same aloof coolness.

"What? That is absurd," I cried out. Now this is one wild theory. "How can you even arrive at this stupid theory?"

"It's not stupid," he said angrily.

"It's not sensible, that's for sure," Myra said under her breath.

"Well, he came to the memorial, he was at our home most of the time, even today. And he is not even here now." He had left for a short work at the office.

"No he wasn't here today. You can ask Lilly if you want."

Grumbling under his breath, he reluctantly woke up Lilly to ask the question.

"He wasn't here ,daddy. He made me a sandwich them he said he had some work so he left."

"And I can confirm that by calling office right now if you want," Myra said. She was really angry now.

"No. There is no need for that. We know the motive now so it can be just anyone in this world. Samaira, you don't remember his face now. Lilly doesn't know and I haven't even met him once. It is all so confusing." He collapsed on the sofa.

Myra sat beside him. "Okay David listen. I understand now. And I will give you the benefit of doubt."

"Thank you." He smiled at her and I know now a passionate kiss is inevitable so I spoke up quickly.

"So, I will sleep on the couch for today. Or forever," I said. "I can open the door when Yash comes."

They smiled and left to sleep. I wanted to sleep as it is a school night. But I couldn't. I'm so sure that there is a camera somewhere here too.

I tried not to but David's theory popped up in my mind. He was right. He had the opportunity if not the motive. He could have easily manipulated Lilly. Everything fit into place except for the fact that it just didn't feel right. For starters he was being threatened too. That ought to add up to something.

Totally confused I lay on the couch and looked at the clock. He will be here any minute now.

I closed my eyes planning to think it through. Instead my mind drifted, first about my parents and then Ryan. That's when I realized I was crying. When he died I couldn't mourn for him properly. After all all I was seeking at that time was revenge.

Now all the feelings poured in. Everything that happened till now is so surreal that I had no time to process anything.

I missed him so much. Losing a loved one is hard enough. But losing a person who was with you since you were born is like a pain unlike anything. He was my twin brother, and someone out there had killed him like a pig. He did absolutely nothing to deserve this and he died for a terrible mistake I did.

Without realising I started sobbing. I don't care now that he might be watching me cry and enjoying it. I don't care about him anymore. I guess this is what guilt does to a person.

I should have never left India. Life was much simpler there. We even had a home there. I could have lived and died there, in my own country when I had some life to live. Instead like a greedy idiot I insisted on coming here, fascinated by the illusion of opportunities here. Dazzled to fall into the well decorated trap, ruining both of our lives. It wouldn't have mattered if I stayed here or there for our enemy. He would have tortured me nonetheless. Atleast the people involved will be less. No little girls would have been harmed, no innocent people will be used as pawns and dismissed as collateral damage.

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