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At least the ride back home was uneventful. He did not ask anything, which suited me well. Having found that my lying skills are non-existent, I don't want to push it any further.

But my arrival at my house wasn't so pleasant. David for some reason insisted on coming inside even though I repeatedly subtly tried to push him away. The last this I wanted is trying to introduce him. It will go like "This is David. He said he was the owner of the night club me and Ryan went to. But that's not true. And now I broke into his house, had some drug and he found me unconscious."

And as I expected Myra pounced at me the minute I entered the house. First she knocked the air out of me by hugging me, Ryan style, then she started assaulting me with thousands of questions which after some time became non-understandable.

At last when she pulled back she noticed David.

"David?" She asked. I opened my mouth surprised.

"You know him?" I shouted.

She looked at me surprised. "I'm surprised that you know him."

"Oh I'm one her her friend's brother," he lied smoothly. One day I will ask him to teach me how to lie.

"David is the manager at the company I joined," Myra said her voice bubbling with needless excitement.

"Is he now?" I asked. Okay now I'm done with his secrecy. But I'm afraid because now Myra is involved. The last thing I want is to put her in danger. It would be better if she didn't know anything. Safe for her, relief for me.

David was staring me, probably trying to read my reaction. He must me surprised that I'm not surprised when I heard about his"job". But I didn't react in any way. Let him know that I figured it out before. It doesn't matter anyway.

"Okay now say. Where were you?" She asked placing her hands on her hips. When she does that she looks a lot my mother when she is trying to be stern.

"She was with Chloe. It became late so I dropped her," David came to my rescue. I wanted to frown at him, but controlled myself with difficulty.

"Okay," she said turning her attention back to the sandwich she was making.

"Okay. I will be leaving now," he said. "See you on monday Myra," he waved at her.

And she blushed. Myra blushing! And not that light blush you get when seeing any attractive person. She blushed deep red, the one she kept reserved only for bollywood actors. And now she is blushing at David. This isn't good.

He left and seconds later I heard at his car pulling out of the driveway.

We remained silent. Me, not wanting to speak, her,probably don't know what to tell. We just ate the sandwich. Give it to Myra to make even a sandwich my favourite dish. I almost forgot the bizarre happenings of today.

"So how was your day?" She asked.

Now what can I say? "Fine." Just that. No need to expand it to push my luck. Over the course of the year, Myra developed an ability to read my emotions. She became really good at it. Almost as good as Ryan. He is the only person who could read my mind. Even my parents often misunderstood. My mother often complained that I should open up a little. But I didn't find a need to share my feelings with anyone else.

"David's great, isn't he," she asked. I looked up at her. She had a tight face. The type when she tried to avoid blushing or laughing.

"He's okay. Actually I don't know him that well." I thought I knew. But it turns out I was very wrong.

"Me too. But we talked for like half an hour. He sure does know how to converse with a woman." She gave up and now had a goofy smile at her face. She and I often had a conversation about boys. Often it was her commenting about some boy at work or her crushes at college, trying to get to know me better. Soon enough we soon started talking good, almost like we were sisters. I loved like one and I know that she cared about us too. She had not much living relatives. For forever she had been living alone. When we lost our parents she was the only one who volunteered to have us.

Again my mind drifted. The hooded figure, the drug. Those memory brought pain. It almost felt like I lost my parents all over again. The pain I felt when they disappeared felt almost real.

"...not very exciting," Myra was still talking. "Huh?" I asked. Myra looked angrily at me. "I said the job,though nice, is not very exciting as I though it would be."

"Oh!" I don't know how else to react. "Did you like it though?"

"Yeah it was decent," She said shrugging. "But I think David had a rough time yesterday. The CEO,Mr.Grover, David and I were talking yesterday, you know general talk at the end of the day, and suddenly me and Mr.Grover started talking in Hindi." She laughed lightly, "And David was just staring at us not knowing what to do." I chuckled for her benefit.

Soon we finished our dinner and she said she will do the dishes. So I went to my room.

I decided that I cannot afford losing my mind by powering my thoughts again so I decided to listen to music to clear my mind.

As I listened through my favorite playlist, I decided I should create a new one. This one is full of sad songs about heart breaks and suicide. I guess that's how I'm. Filled with sadness to the brim. Although singing about broken hearts and losing will to live because of a break up is very lame and trivial. It angered me that people feel the need to die to such unimportant matter like loss of love whereas others had to deal with really serious problems. Stupid romantic movies and books.

I go through my list of songs but find only love songs, or sad ones. Irritated I took out my headphones and lay down on the bed. Though I felt like I have been punched a hundred times all over my body, my mind won't quit. Of course it's going to run in super speed mode making it impossible for me to sleep.

I know David brought some drug from some person only a week ago. He was a drug dealer already. So this could easily be him. He even stopped me from going after Ryan that day and he went into such length to kill Ben "for me". Now I don't know to find the difference of truth from lies. All around me it is too chaotic and filled with lies.

Whatever this is, I have to find all the answers soon. Ryan's death is not an accident that's for sure. This thought widened the void in my mind. To know that his death was an unintentional accident was one thing, to find that it was done deliberately was completely other. If this hooded man is the cause of his death then I will dead soon enough.

He said my family is also the cause of this. That meant my parents too? Was their death a planned murder too. I felt difficult to breathe. We didn't harm anyone in any way. My father was a honest police officer and my mother was an entrepreneur. Our life was nothing but peaceful until their death. We didn't do anything wrong that will trigger this reaction. Then what happened?

"Samaira." Myra shouted from down. "You have a parcel."

I rushed down. She handed me a a black package which had my name written outside. Post at this time?

"It was left outside at the steps," she said. She looked confused too. She was staring at me probably waiting for me to open it.

I tried not to look so frightened. This is probably from the same person who sent me the text. I didn't say anything, just took it upstairs.

I went in my room and locked the door. I ripped it open. It contained a file. And sure enough it was from the same person.

I opened the file. It contained the police report on our parent's accident . Now I'm really confused. Why was the report sent to me.

I read through the report carefully. I've never read the report before. My relatives decided to save us from the gory details by reading it themselves. But it didn't have anything amiss. The same details I already knew.

Something is wrong with this report.

And something bad is going to happen.

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