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Everything seemed scary after some time in this absolute silence. I started mumbling songs out loud to break the silence. Is this the first sign of going crazy. I know I'm crazy, does this mean I'm not crazy right?

Is there no way to escape this hellhole? I still looked around looking for a way to escape. The thought that there is a way to escape is the only way to keep myself sane.

It was too peaceful to my liking giving me a feeling of absolute dread. I have to be on guard always, ready for any sort of assault in any direction. I always thought being in presence of evil is the worst. Well evil has a way to make your skin crawl even when you are silent room. It is indeed omnipotent.

It's been hours since I was abducted. Surely Myra and the others would have started to search for me. At least I hope so. People searching for me and potentially find me, wherever I am, is a comforting thought.

Mostly I was thinking about David and Lilly. Were they really safe. Or are they in a bad situation like me? I don't want Lilly to get hurt anymore because of me. This much guilt is enough. David had told me that he would have killed Ben anyway because he had annoyed him. But that doesn't mean he is a collateral damage made to put me in a living hell.

When you are alone these are the thoughts that invades your mind. Useless ones, crazy ones. The possibility that I became crazy is so huge. Maybe that is why this is done. To make me go crazy so that I could be locked in a mental asylum.

My wrists feel raw from all the struggles and I noticed that there were several cuts in my arms and legs. But I'm surprised I didn't notice any pain. This ordeal is getting weirder and weirder.

So far not so bad I guess. I don't know what to expect anymore. Someone attacking me or my friends wherever they are? I couldn't even struggle anymore. Thirst, hunger, irritation, boredom. Combined they are forces needed to kill a person I guess. I was sitting her utterly bored thinking of how many I could kill for a sandwich right now. A cool glass of water, or just release me. That would be much better.

Is he watching me the whole time? Is he enjoying all this? I wanted to shout out loud. And if I could do that I would scream so loud that if he really is listening his eardrum would pop.

I gave up trying to provoke him too. The only response I got was absolute silence or a chuckle. That didn't exactly help in the irritation part. It only made me lose more energy and my mouth became dry like paper.

And then suddenly the pain started.

It was nothing like I experienced before. My whole body jerked and the cables went taut with the pressure. I was not sane enough at that time but when the pain stopped a few seconds later I realized I was electrocuted.

Tears rolled down on my cheeks when the pain seemed to be still present. My whole body became numb and I was shaking like hell. I started struggling only to give up as the pain intensified.

I screamed out loud struggling against the bonds not caring about the pain anymore. This is much more than physical pain or torture. I don't care if I go crazy trying but I am going to escape as soon as possible, even if it's the last thing I do.

My tears turned into sobs and my whole body shook as I tried hard to control it. Only my palm and fingers are free so I twisted it back to try to loosen the bonds in my wrists. I couldn't reach it and I sobbed and screamed even more. 

It was more humiliating that it's painful. Being electrocuted is nothing compared to the pain I feel now. I bit my lips hard and brought blood. My wrists are even more scarred now. My sobs were like earthquake which shook my body. I slumped back in the chair very tired. 

After a few minutes of continuous crying I tried again. Gritting my teeth I pulled hard, a scream slowly building until my voice became a high pitched squeal. But I didn't stop thing time. I pulled hard putting pressure at my right arm first. I squirmed and twisted repeatedly holding back my tears. 

Then I heard static again, from the back of the chair. I slumped back straining to hear past the ringing in my ears. Then the same voice.

"See how easy it is for me to torture you. Don't struggle honey and realize that you deserve all punishment you got."

And then there it was. The adrenaline rush I was waiting for. With a grunt I pulled hard again. This time the chord snapped and my right arm was freed.

I laughed out loud but didn't pause a second. With my right hand I pulled on the chords on my left. This time it was much easier. It snapped within a minute. 

Freeing my legs was much easier. I stood up only to fall on the floor. I lay there, finally letting the tears fall. My adrenaline rush ceased and I couldn't even move a little. 

It felt like I have accomplished everything in life. Yeah well screw it I did save myself now.

I slowly lifted myself up, wincing at my every move. My hair was plastered to my face and poked my eyes. I lifted my hands to push it away and noticed that my wrists were scarred as hell. I let out a sob. Enough to power myself to face what is outside.

Static again.

"You only escaped because I want you to. Remember that I could take you back whenever I wish too. So you better shut up your lying mouth. Or next time it would be worse and you wouldn't be alone."

For a second I just sat there, my mind blank, my body unable to respond to what I just heard. Then I got up wiping my tears and took slow, painful steps towards the exit.

I opened the door only to have a pistol pointed straight at me.

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