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I froze letting out a surprised gasp. Really? I escaped from the room of doom only to be killed like this?

But the gunman lowered the gun with a sigh. That's when I saw it was David. I calmed my racing heart. False alarm. Again. Sorry.

Before he could even open his mouth I tackled him with a hug. I held tight, never wanting to let go. That's when I realized that I  felt safe with him. Like I felt with my father or Ryan.

After overcoming the initial shock he hugged me back, calming me. I was far from being calm. But I finally felt safe.

Only when I pulled back I saw that he was hurt, scarred more than me at least. There was a gash painfully near his right eye. There was a visibly deep cut in his left palm which was still bleeding and his khaki pants had a big slash.

"What happened? How is Lilly?" I was ashamed that I didn't ask this question earlier. Again I felt a pang of guilt. He is an innocent random person and I dragged him into a really big, dangerous mess.

"Lilly is safe. She is with Myra," he said urging me to move forward in the lighted path which I remember leading to the large room.

"What?" I cried out loud turning so fast that my neck hurt.

"Yeah Myra knows about Lilly. I told her about Vivian and all. Of course leaving the part about Ayush.

Seeing the worry in my face he smiled lightly.

"Seriously don't worry Samaira. I wouldn't have said anything to her if I thought it could be a danger to her. Besides, she loves Lilly. Lilly too loves her."

I started walking when he glared at me. "What did you tell her about how you look right now?"

"I said we both went to pick Lilly. And while coming we met with an accident. She was really worried sick about you. Be ready for a crushing hug when we come back."

I laughed a little. I cannot even describe how relieved I'm that no one is harmed.

"It got to be someone in the school. I was picked at the washroom. Only students and relatives were allowed," I voiced my thoughts trying to focus over the problem we still have rather than sob over the pain.

"We know he is an Indian so it got to be your relative."

I nodded. But that is a repulsive thought. We reached the dark room. The chair was still there and the screen is blank.

"Actually I understand nothing. He gave you Lilly back. I mean I'm not complaining but still."

"Yeah well this wasn't his plan. He tied her here thinking I will never find this place. I have to keep up the act of tying you to fool him so I have time to take Lilly away. Now he knows that I told you. I have to keep her and Myra really safe. They are in the hospital right now. I think it is a pretty safe place."

I always thought David was a pretty cool person, even in the situation he was before. I was wrong. This is cool David. All his tension seemed to have evaporated.

He walked straight across the room, I followed him confused. As far as I could remember there were no way of exit there.

I gasped as he moved away a screen as dark as the room which revealed a door. Seeing my surprise he smirked.

"If you want to survive this you must pay good attention at details," he said. I made a face at him. It was the same room where I was held captive just a few hours ago. But now the atmosphere was light.

"Yeah well, I was not exactly in a very comfortable position to admire the room." He laughed lightly but didn't say anything. He opened the door, raising his gun he scanned the space behind it. He then nodded me to move in. I controlled the urge to laugh. It was like I was starring in a Hollywood action movie.

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