24 4 0

Oh God I wish Myra was here. All these time I thought I was the who tried to protect her. But she protected me. Shielding me from David.

Although he didn't do anything to me, the fear that he would do made me restless. I was afraid to sleep, be alone with him, or even stay at the same place as him. With her gone, I don't know why he wouldn't want to hurt me. Killer or not he is involved in this shit.

It's been just one week. I'm sure I will become mad by the end of these two months. Either that or I'm going to be killed. Because of course, in case of an emergency I can't depend on Ryan's baseball bat alone could I.

He to didn't help it in any way. What with all the glaring and the cryptic talks. Sometimes I think he would say something like "We will not quit till it's all over" over the phone to someone just to confuse me because he always had a sly smile on his face whenever I looked up alarmed.

Now the situation got reversed. I savour every minute at school. At least I would be safe from him in the crowd. At least I hope so.

But I didn't get any more messages. And the worst part was the last message was not from David. He was with me the whole time after Myra left and he couldn't have done this before because she would have definitely noticed it.

Now there is definitely another person behind this. Wow!

As if on cue these thoughts accumulated my mind this morning too. Worse. Today is Sunday! That means I have to be with him the whole day.

You may ask. Why don't you go out or something? Well he is more clever and quick to assert a notion in Myra's head that I'm in depression. That all I do was go to school and then to library. Then she came up with this brilliant plan that I should should stay at home the whole day and have a deep discussion with him about what's going on with me.

The day began as always, only today my heart was thumping hard. If he took so much effort as to convince Myra into this, then something really bad is going to happen.

At least breakfast was uneventful. Just few toasts. He tried to start a conversation but I blocked him as subtle as possible.

After breakfast he decided that our "healing" process will be much better if we went out to some place. An of course, I couldn't refuse. Because right now he is using the Myra card. Sick bastard.

So we went out. When he asked whether I have any place in my mind I just glared at him. He shrugged. "Okay so now trying to polite is a bad thing," he said looking at me by the mirror in his car. I was seated in the back seat of the car. I was now very afraid. He is really formidable. I can't see how Myra finds him so kind and soft hearted. To me he is just a cute crook who will kill both of us at the first chance without a second thought.

That's when I looked outside. The path we were going seemed familiar. I frowned trying to remember anything.

And then it struck me. We were going to the place he took me earlier. The bar, secret drug dealing place, whatever.

My heart started hammering against my chest. The last time I went to that place it was locked. Is he taking me there alone to kill me. Or is he going to torture me.

I tried to open the door. Of course, it was locked.

"Why are you taking me there?" I asked mustering all the courage inside me.

He turned briefly staring darkly at me then turned back. "I'm taking you to the club just to cheer you up."

The club? And what was about that part of trying to cheer me up? A million questions rose up in my mind but I didn't have the courage to ask him. I was completely at his mercy now.

I sat on the edge of the seat ready to run though there is nowhere to go. He didn't say anything after that. I continued staring out the window.

Soon we arrived at the place. I climbed outside, my legs shaking so much that I was doubtful that I could walk without falling.

He took out a key from the glove closet and unlocked the door. It opened with a groan.

As soon I stepped inside he slammed the door shut. It closed with a thud which indicated the finish line of all my escape plans. By now I was very sure that this is the place where I'm going to die. The cobwebs on the sides creeped me even more (if it's possible).

He indicated to the room on the farther end and I walked through it like a puppet in his hands. Well, he knows how to control really well.

He shut that door too and walked swiftly towards me.

And sorry for the delay. I was having my off days.
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