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I got up, supporting myself by the chair. I finally cut off my bonds in my legs.  The screen became dark again. I still couldn't see the face of the intruder, torturer or savior.

He walked briskly towards, lowering his gun. I sighed with relief, it is David.

With my now free hands I took off the plaster covering my mouth.

But before I could say a word he pointed the gun back at me. It felt like I have been punched in the stomach. My chest tightened and I have to struggle to bring out the words.

"Da-david, wha-" I managed to get the words out before he grabbed my hands roughly and held them in a vice like grip.

Then my common sense hit me and I felt the urge to laugh at my stupidity. Of course he had to act like this to protect his daughter. I had to concentrate hard to remember all the details which was hard considering that he is practically dragging me across the room.

I started struggling for his benefit. How much should I lie and act before the end of this ordeal?

He pushed the door with his feat, still holding my arms in a very painful position. His face was grim and when I closed by the now available light, I could see tears streaked across his face. I continued struggling though my act reduced. I didn't have much energy left.

We entered another, much more ventilated room which thankfully had a source of light.

As soon as we entered he turned to lock the door and pocketed the key. He pushed me to the floor and I landed painfully. He then turned to his right, his hands trembled. When I turned my gaze too my heart nearly stopped.

It was the same little girl, Lilly, again strapped to a chair. Bruises covering his face and hands seemed fresh. The thought that someone hurt this little girl made my anger flare.

But this time she wasn't unconscious. She looked straight and David and yelled. "Daddy, Daddy please don't leave me again. He is hurting me. Why did you tie me like this?"

I couldn't stand this anymore. I couldn't see her big eyes filled with fear. She didn't deserve any of this. She is just too young.

When I looked up I saw David staring at me, his eyes is of a man who has been tormented for years. That is when I understood what I should do.

"You did this to your daughter you monster," I shouted at the top of my voice. My voice broke and I could no longer look at his pained expression. I couldn't even imagine the torment he's been through.

He turned his gaze back to Lilly. "Lilly, baby listen to Daddy. I won't let anyone hurt you. This lady," he pointed at me,"is the one who is hurting us dear. Now Daddy has sorted things out. We are safe. I will never let anyone hurt you again." His every word dripped with sadness. It was so painful to look at his trembling body, but I forced myself to glare at him. But before I could say a word he pulled me towards an empty chair.

He almost started lifting me before I decided to sit on the chair myself to save myself from any humiliation. As soon as I sat on it he strapped me with the cables which are already hanging on the sides on the chair. I made a show of glaring at him.

He then hurried to Lilly and untied her. She leapt from the chair and hugged him tightly. He hugged back, his face showing momentary relief. It was the single most sweetest thing I have seen in my entire life. I can't help but feel excited that she is finally safe in his hands.

He carried her to the door, unlocked it and exited it without even looking back for a second. Only Lilly was staring at me, the big innocent eyes filled with fear but I sensed some calmness in it as her father held her close to his heart. Well I couldn't complain. He went through all this because of me. If anything he should have loathed me. I'm grateful that he is there for Myra if anything happens to me now which I'm sure will

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