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"Ajay's uncle owns a night club."

But David said he owns it. How is it possible? God What is happening around me. Why this sudden surge of problems?

I left the house immediately telling Myra that I going to the library. She allowed me to borrow her car.

I drove to the night club. It was closed but a guard was standing outside. I got out of the car and walked towards him.

"Excuse me. Can you tell me who owns this place?" I asked.

He looked at me for a moment "Vishal Bhatt," He said.

Oh My God! I mumbled a thanks to him and quickly drove away from that place.

What is happening? Why should David lie to me, a complete stranger? And how am I to not realize it before.

I decided to go to the place he took me. It was a long drive from the club. My mind was racing ahead thinking about all the crazy things that happened. It was really confusing.

When I got there the place was locked. I stopped there for sometime trying to wrap my mind on these bizarre things. I don't know where it started. At the night club? But Why? How?

I drove back to home. Myra already made dinner. I managed to shove some parathas, but I was too preoccupied to enjoy my favourite Indian food. Myra too was busy. She was speaking on the phone to a dealer about some of her assets she need to sell in India.

I quickly finished my dinner. Myra was too tired so I volunteered to do the dishes.

After finishing at last I went back to my room. I lay down on the bed thinking of any way that this is probable. But there is no way that this is just random things happening.

Just then my phone vibrated. Strange. The text was from a blocked number.

I opened it and read the short text. I immediately sat up straight.

Hey Samaira! Sad that your new friend is driving you mad. If only you weren't a lying dog I would have shown you . Too bad that your brother had to die on an "accident." You must think before you decided to kill someone honey. You do realize that you are the reason for the distress of the people around you don't you? If you don't think about it while I find a way to make you wish you died.
                                   -your nightmare

My heart started beating rapidly. This isn't random. This is scary beyond anything.

I called David but his phone was switched off.

My heart raced. There is nothing I could do now. I couldn't take this is the police's attention. I couldn't say to anybody for that matter. Anyone except David.

And he is not to be seen.

You must think before you murder.

What does that mean? Does it mean I made a big mistake by killing Ben. Then isn't he the one who killed Ryan? Then I'm in a very big trouble.

Now all I need is to talk to Gared. To ask him what happened. But even if I did will he tell the truth. He was David's friends after all.

It all brings back to David. I have to find him first. Then I have to make him tell the truth.

If all this happening for a reason then Ryan's death is planned.

You do realize that you are the cause of the distress of the people around you don't you?

Oh God no!

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