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To say that this place is shady is and understatement. It was so scary that the moment I went inside it I want to run away. It's the kind they show in thriller movies where all the murders take place. Altogether doesn't appeal to me as safe place.

But I couldn't control the tempting offer. How good it would be if I woke up the next morning to hear the news telling that Ben was dead. That thought itself made me giddy.

David came to pick me up by night. I informed Myra that I'm going to "friend's" house whose name I made up. Luckily she was so preoccupied that she didn't get suspicious of a sudden friend even when I didn't got to school for weeks.

We drove totally in silence. I was in no mood to have a chat about how his guilt is killing him. I closed my eyes. It was a very long ride and I was pretty tired. I soon fell asleep.

After what seemed like seconds David tapped me on my shoulders to wake me up. And now here we are in the place that must be forbidden for mankind.

The place from outside itself was really creepy. With faded black paint and some broken walls it looked like a setting from a horror movie. But the inside was more horrible. All I could see for a few minutes after entering was smoke. The smoke from the cigarettes almost made me gag.

Then at last I saw shadows of men moving around. Some were slumped on the couches on the side. Some were staring at us as we walked straight towards the door on the opposite side.

"Hey man," A man said punching David's arm.

"Hey Garry," David said smiling. "How you doing?"

"Fine," He took out a packet from his pocket which contained a white powder and waved it at him. "And Good stuff," He said smiling widely. Then only I noticed that his eyes was bloodshot and he was speaking wierdly. I turned away disgusted.

David noticed me. "Okay gotta go man," He said already walking away. "Man save some of this in the next batch," Garry shouted from behind.

I did not look at David but he kept looking at me. "Now drop that look I don't do drugs," He said.

"No. You do much worse. You sell it and ruin many other's life," I mumbled.

He shrugged but didn't say anything. We reached the door. He turned the door knob and opened the door. We entered and he immediately closed the door behind us.

The room we entered was a thousand times better than than the previous one. I breathed the fresh air with a relief. The room was quite and only a few men were sitting around talking to each other. When we entered most of them smiled to acknowledge David.

"This is Samaira. The one that I talked about," He said sitting on a chair and beckoned me to sit on the chair next to him. I sat on the edge of the seat ready to take flight at any arrival of problems though I wouldn't be able to run away with all the men around. I realized that I'm the only girl in the whole place. Of all the things that thought made me uneasy.

"Okay the work can be done," A tall man said. He walked behind a table and retrieved a document from a drawer. He opened it and handed it to me.

I looked at it. It has a full detail of Ben including his picture. "It's him right?" David asked.

I nodded. I gave the file back to the man. "My name is Harry," He said. "I will do the job for you." He took out a pen and pointed its cap. "Here, it is a camera."

I leaned forward to look closely. Sure enough there was the smallest camera I've ever seen.

"I will have this with me. You came see him dying in this computer. It transmits live..."

"I don't want to see him die. That's sick" I half shouted.

He looked at me like I was crazy. "Ok should I give you a live relay over the phone?" He asked slowly.

"No. I will hear the news like everyone else. Over the news," I said glaring.

"Okay" He said replacing the file to the drawer.

"Okay" I said crossing my arms.

"Okay. Then you may leave" David said standing up. "I will drop you back."

"I don't want it to be traced back to me," I said suddenly scared.

He smiled as if my panic is amusing. "Don't worry. It would be done clean."

We left the place. David dropped me at my house. I entered without saying a word and went straight to my room.

I couldn't sleep. I was too paranoid. All I want now is to cancel what I did. But I can't do that. It isn't fair that the mind says something but my brain warns otherwise. With all these thoughts running I lay awake staring at the ceiling.

The night seemed to stretch for over a decade. But at last it got over. I woke up excited and with a feeling of dread. I hurriedly got dressed but waited for another 15 minutes so that Myra won't feel weird.

When I got down she had already made breakfast. I pushed the toast through my throat. The feeling of dread increasing. I waited for the time when Myra would turn on the television to watch the daily news.

And soon enough she turned it on. I leaned forward to watch it from the kitchen.

"Oh my God!" She exclaimed. I hurried to the living room. And sure enough it was news of Ben's "accident". She looked at me waiting for any reaction.

"That's too bad," I said. I hurriedly finished the toast."I have to leave. I'm late." I washed the plate and grabbed my backpack and exited and immediately closed the door. Then I paused taking a deep breath.

It was done. I officially murdered a person.

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