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What are the odds?

What are the odds that thus will happen? My tormenter living in my very house.

I cannot help but cry looking at Ayush Chadda aka Yash Grover.

"So no need for introduction," he said. He was sitting casually at a chair beside the one I had been cuffed to. There were no laugh lines now, only malice. The misplaced warmth had been replaced with an evil grin. Like in a Hollywood movie, time seemed to have slowed down and my mind had been repeating the words You? You? You?...

"I really, really thought you were smart. That is why I took a hell of a lot precautions to keep the suspicion off me. If I had known that you were just a bunch of low IQ babies, I would have fooled you all so easily. I had overestimated you. But that wouldn't be a problem now."

My mouth went dry. I wasn't able to process anything that is happening right now. This is it. This is my tormentor.

He winced when he got up quickly. He is a middle aged man. A middle aged man had tortured me, hurt new like this. A middle aged man was able to fool us all like this.

"Okay so as you may have already guessed, I'm going to kill you." He clapped his hands, feigning being excited.

"You didn't have to kill Ryan." I tried hard but my voice still squeaked.

He raised his eyebrows like he was amused. "I can't take any chances in case lying runs in the family. If you think about it I'm just purifying the world. Few liars less what is the matter. Of course there will be a collateral damage..."

I did not wait to hear the next word before I pounced on him, anger blinding all the senses. Only to be restrained, painfully, by the chains.

"Argh!" I screamed. I was dragged back to the chair. He clutched his stomach and laughed hard almost doubling over.

"Some...sometimes watching you I-I think it was a total waste planning so elaborately. You seem to fall for everything like mouse to cheese." All I wanted now is to punch him in his face. And escape from here of course.

All this time when I was waiting, dreading, this moment I thought of all the emotion I may experience. Dread, anger, guilt etc. But right now anger overpowered everything. I may have wronged him before. But he took away the person I loved the most in the world. He tortured me so much more than what I had did to him.

"You killed my brother." I shouted out not bothering when my voice shook. "And then you killed an absolutely innocent person. You have no right to do that. YOU CAN'T TAKE AWAY ANYONE'S LIFE."

"What about what you did? HUH?" I could feel the anger in his voice. But no, I didn't sympathise, I didn't feel guilty or even scared. The monster I conceived has gone way beyond then this. I know the worst is to come now. I don't know if I feel afraid or happy now.

"You have no idea what jail is like do you? I expect not. Then you wouldn't talk like this. You or even your 'tough' father won't last a day there. I almost gave up. All those scars, the pain. I have been abused there and I cry like a girl." Tears was streaming down his face. His face showed the pain he was described. What more? He is a good actor too.

"You know what was more unbelievably frustrated. Knowing that you would be probably be laughing with your fat freak brother. Having fun, not feeling the pain I feel. That was my fuel for some time. But those walls, those dreary walls of the prison broke me completely. I lost it all. Up until I saw that. The dress of my cell mate had caught fire in a bad fire accident. He died in front of my eyes, charred completely."

He paused taking a deep breath.

"And do you know what happened. The jailer said to the police that he committed suicide. They closed the case just like that. And then when he confronted me he told one of inmates, a very vicious one, to finish me off."

"It was maddening. The pain of losing my friend and possibly my life too was unbearable. And then I did it, I killed him. The first murder I committed. Ironic isn't it?"

"When I came out, going to a different state, I thought that I can live my life normally again. Only it wasn't possible. The images of the terrors I faced in prison. My friend burning alive, his screams, my screams, all of it made my life a nightmare. You know what was way more than that. You living a normal life, with no nightmares, able to sleep everyday not fearing an attack by your inmates was more infuriating than anything. I decided that I will make your life a hell if that is that is the last thing I would do. I worked hard, came here, set up a business which surprisingly turned out to be successive and now, here I am." He stretched his hand out dramatically.

I don't know what to tell now. I was lost to all his emotions. Analysis of his past life later. Now I will just focus on escaping.

"Why the hell did you want to be acquainted with us? You could have easily done the job when you are just a stranger?" I just wanted to buy some time. It's high time David found me.

"I just want to see you, see you experience the pain," he said hurriedly. "Now, I know I have very less time so got to finish it quickly."

He pulled out a key and unlocked my straps. I was pushed roughly to the ground. I looked up to see him smiling maniacally at me.

"You see Samaira I have been waiting for this moment for so long. But it wouldn't be a good conclusion without a small game. In the unlikely possibility that you win, you can escape. Just go free no more tortures. But if I win, you die. You will feel pain like nothing else."

Hey guys!
I thought this was going to be the final chapter. But as it is the climax and there is yet many things to cover I have to extend it to another chapter which will be released as soon as possible.
Thank you!

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