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"What-" Sanjay cried out when he saw the gun aimed at his temple.

"Go on," David said pressing hard.

It was Ajay who spoke.

"What we said is true. We had nothing to do with your parent's accident. We were talking about some other problem."

"Which is?" David urged on.

They looked at each other. Then Sanjay spoke.

"It was me. Back in India I started doing drugs. It was way before your parents died. Ajay didn't even befriend Ryan at that time ." He paused dramatically. "And then one day I was busted. The bastard who was my dealer said that I'm the one making it and I had no proof to show that I'm not. So my father decided to take the fall for me. And he..h he died in jail."

I didn't know what to tell now. I have known him for just a year. But never did I know that they had such a problem. I don't know whether I should feel sorry for him or not.

"How did Ryan come into this now?" Myra asked.

"Your father knew mine during some parents programme in school. So when he found that he got arrested he dug that up, hoping to help him out, and he got to know the whole story. He confided it with Ryan and he tried to help us. Slowly Ajay and him became friends. That happens to be the time your parents met with that accident."

I was too stunned to tell anything. I could only stare at them open mouthed.

"Look Samaira," Ajay said holding my hands in a comforting manner. "I don't know what problem you were stuck and neither do I want to know. I just want you to know that I would never ever hurt Ryan or your father. I adore him and you might not know but they did many things to help us. Your parents are the one who paid for school last year. And also know that you are my friend too. So if there is anything I could do to help you, please tell me. You don't have to hesitate for anything."

I nodded still fazed. All the puzzle pieces which seemed to fit in all the correct places fell and now we were back to square one. Still I'm so relieved that it wasn't them.

"Sorry," I mumbled unable to look into their eyes. Immediately the warmth of being in the presence of person I knew returned.

They smiled warmly. David lowered his guns and apologized to them repeatedly.

"So," Myra said as soon as they left the car.

"That was a pleasant conversation. We sticked to the original plan," I said glaring at David.

"What I panicked when they gave all the reactions we didn't expect."

I rolled my eyes.

"Do you think they are telling the truth?" He asked slowly.

"Yes," we both replied unanimously mine almost a shout. I don't doubt them for a second now.

"Okay then. Now lets look at the other possible suspects- your relatives."

We didn't say anything the whole drove home. It was all very confusing and disturbing. Only motive we had till now is unbelievable. All we have now is far fetched theories and lame reasons of being suspects.

At the door we were greeted by Mr.GrinALot and Lilly. They were having fun by the looks of it.

"We made dinner already," he said grinning at the bubbly little girl. Let's all eat together."

Ten minutes later we were having dinner. I have to admit, the food was really good. The thing I enjoyed the most was how light the conversation was. There was no tension. I felt my own tension lessen. I felt a little comforted.

I volunteered to help Yash with the dishes.

"So... is the stalking problem solved?" I asked pretending like it was a light subject. In reality I felt my heart rate quicken.

"Yeah I guess. I changed my phone and there is no hooded person following me now." I let out a quick sigh of relief.

"That's good," I said smiling.

"Samaira, I need to talk to you about something."

"Yeah?" I asked the tension rising already.

"Is there any problem here? Myra seemed tensed, David and you are both on the edge of your seats all the time. Even Lilly didn't seem very comfortable."

"No, no there is no problem," I said quickly. "It's just that so much happened this few months. And you know Myra, she always overreact."

"By the way, I was not able to stay at the house all day so I have to leave Lilly alone for some time. Hope that wasn't a problem."

"I don't think so," I said smiling but mentally thanking all the Gods for keeping her safe.

After finishing the dishes I went to my room. As soon as I entered the room I let out a short scream and jumped outside.

Hanging on the middle of the room is a very, very large camera. When I opened the door it turned to face me.

"Hey is everything all right?" Yash asked from downstairs.

"Yeah," I said already going inside the room. The last thing I want is him seeing it and asking all kind of questions.

I closed the door and locked it. I moved across the door to get the baseball bat. I noticed that the camera focused on me wherever I move. I took the bat, climbed on my bed and swung back and hit it so hard that at that impact I fell down.

But nothing happened to it. It was looking at me, the lens seemed to mock me. It had a sly smile on its face and it knows I couldn't do anything to stop it now.


Ugh... this again.

Do you think I'm that easy to find. I'm in front of your eyes, dancing in your blind spots. Find me, kill me. When I decide that I'm done with you, that is the time you will be in deep trouble.

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