Chapter 10: Visitor(s) Part II (Lilith)

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I sat in my bed, under the covers. I felt bad for lying about my homework load, but being around Alex made me uncomfortable. Actually, it wasn't her who bothered me. It was how my brother acted around her. In just the few minutes we spent together it was like my brother had done an emotional 360. It made me uncomfortable because deep down I knew both of us would never get to be happy. We were what we were, and nothing was ever going to change that. Gabe created the dead, and I was haunted by it.

I rolled over onto my side and gave in to the emptiness that filled me. It didn't matter how much I studied, or how many algorithms I committed to memory, it didn't matter that I kept myself busy all the time, there was still this void. I had this constant feeling that a part of me was missing. I jerked up in bed.

Before my eyes I watched my window slide open, and a blond-haired boy's head popped in. "Good lord, what do you think you're doing!" I hissed.

"I came to burglarize your house. Seriously, what the hell did you think I was doing you dumb redhead." Cam said half way through the tiny window. "No matter how much information you cram in that brain you still seem to be so stupid. It's amazing."

"Um, for one you're the 'dumb blond'" I made air quotes. "And I am not stupid."

"Uh, yes you are." He pulled the rest of his body in and landed with a loud thud. Both of us sat there in silence waiting to see if we would get caught.

"No I mean, what are you doing out in daylight? What if someone saw you? The whole town thinks you're dead." I worried.

"Chill man, I was hungry. You can't keep me locked in your shed all the time," He climbed up into the bed beside me and snuggled up against me.

I started to open my mouth to ask what the hell he was doing but he spoke before I could even get a chance.

"Don't worry I'm not trying to put the moves on you brat, I'm just freezing."

I put my hand to his forehead and realized that he was in fact cool to the touch. His skin was clammy and grey. So I decided to sigh and lean back onto my many pillows. I hoped that my body heat was actually helping and that we weren't doing this for no reason.

"I'm still hungry," Cam said yawning.

"Alright alright you whiny ass baby I'll go get some food." I grumbled before I slipped out of the loft. I strolled over to the door and opened it to see my brother.

I slammed the wooden door behind me, hoping to god he didn't see anything. I opened my mouth to say something, but floundered and decided just to go back into my room. I breathed heavily against the door.

"Where's the food stupid?" Cam complained.

"Shut your ass, Gabe is standing right outside the door!" I hissed. Once the coast was clear I crept back out of my room to the kitchen. I snagged a box of cereal from the cupboard and an orange and then snuck back into my bedroom.

"Damn Lilith, took you long enough." He taunted.

"Shut up," I growled throwing the cereal at him.

"Will you come back up here? I'm still cold..." He pouted.

"Ugh fine." I said climbing onto the loft bed. We both snuggled under the covers, his cool body next to mine. Before I knew it I fell asleep. 

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