Chapter 15: The Hospital (Lilith)

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The halls of Oaklawn hospital were dimly lit. I held the lock picking kit that I stole from my dad in one hand, and a small cooler bag in the other. I had never thought that it would come in handy. I guess I couldn't hate him for being a deadbeat, now it was more of a very strong dislike. I was probably about to do the grossest thing in my life, and yet I was oddly calm.

Spirits passed by me as I made my way to the morgue. I made sure that none of them touched me, I hated when I had to experience their last moments of life. Although nothing ever came close to that first time, when the little boy passed through me. The murmurs of the dead filled my ears, it was never quiet.

Once I checked to make sure no one was around I knelt down in front of the door. I took the tools out of the kit and jiggled them around in the lock. It took me a second but moments later I heard a click and the door swung open. I looked around again hoping no one saw and then slipped inside.

Once in the supplies closet I found a pair of scrubs, plastic safety glasses, a white lab coat, and a package of sterile surgical tools. I put on the scrubs and white coat, and then searched around for gloves and a surgical mask. I shoved the tools and gloves into my coat pocket, and then put on the mask and glasses hoping to cover as much of my face as possible.

I poked my head out of the closet and checked the hall, it was clear except for some lingering souls. I took and deep breath, held my head high, and walked out of the closet like I owned the place. I felt the fear of being caught start to leave me as I walked down the hall, at least until I came around the corner. A nurse stood talking to a delivery man, signing a paper for the latest shipment of supplies. The both looked at me as I passed by, they nodded their heads to me and I to them. Anxiety clutched at my heart, lungs, and stomach. I felt panic rise in my throat but it didn't stop me.

As soon as I rounded the next corner, to the hall where the morgue was, I began to run. I didn't even bother to look back.


The body of an old woman lay face down on one of the five stainless steel tables in the center of the morgue. She had already undergone her autopsy so I doubted they would be checking her back for stitches when her body was going to be transferred to a funeral home. And I was damn sure she wasn't going to be needing her central nervous system in death. I took the green latex gloves out of my pocket and put them on.

Next I laid the package of surgical tools on a rolling steel table and positioned it next to me. I opened the sterile packaging and took out the sutures. Then I put the blade on the handle of the scalpel. I took out multiple sets of clamps, and a pair of surgical scissors. It was time to get to work. I took the scalpel and held it in my shaking hand. I felt horrible, like I was defiling this poor woman. But I had to do this, or a lot of people were going to get hurt.


I closed the lid of the plastic container that now held a human brain and spinal cord. I put it carefully into the cooler and zipped it shut. Next, I put the now sewn up old woman into her respective part of the cold chamber. I shut the door and whispered a silent apology to the lady. I disposed of the gloves and put the surgical tools in a biohazard bin. Without even thinking I just swung the cooler bag over my shoulder and walked out of the morgue.

"Hey, what are you doing down here?" A voice said from behind me.

I froze dead in my tracks. Nothing came to mind as I spun around on my heel to face who was behind me. "Uh," was all that came out.

"Who are you, take that mask off your face." The male doctor said.

"I'm Lilith Asta. You might know my mom Jen Asta?" I remembered that my mother was a medical rep for the hospital.

"Yes I know who she is, but that doesn't explain while you are down here." He seemed pissed.

"Oh, well there was an emergency at home, and I was trying to find my mom here. I have no idea if she was in today or not so I was just kind of wandering...." I lied.

"You are not allowed to 'wander' the basement of a hospital, whether or not your mom works here." He crossed his arms. "Why do you have scrubs on?"

"Oh, um, I have this medical class at the tech center in Battle Creek." This time I wasn't lying.

He narrowed his eyes at me, "Mind showing me what's in the cooler? We've had a couple break ins recently. Ones where kids have stolen prescription medicine from us."

Nervously I unzipped the cooler and then opened the lid. I tilted the medium sized bag towards him, while holding my breath. He leaned towards me, looking at the contents. Inside were two blue ice packs, a plastic container that had a homemade salad, a bag of chips and a sandwich made with rye bread. He nodded his head and then I carefully zipped the bag back shut. I was glad that I had decided to grab the bag with a secret bottom compartment.

"I'm going to need you to call someone to pick you up. I cannot let you stay here." He said.

I reached into the back pocket of the scrubs and grabbed my phone. I turned on the screen and searched for Gabe's name. I pressed it and held the phone to my ear. He picked up after two rings.

"Yes, Lilith?" Gabe sounded annoyed.

"Hey..." I trailed off. "I'm kind of in some trouble. Can you come get me from Oaklawn?"

"Jesus Lilith. I'll be there soon." And then he hung up.

"Well, he said he's on his way." I said to the doctor.

"Good, now come with me young lady, I'm taking you up to the lobby, where you will stay." He grabbed me by the arm and lead to towards the elevator.


When Gabe came walking towards the automatic doors I could tell he was pissed. He smiled at the lady at the front desk and then made a beeline to me. Neither one of us said a thing until we got into the car. He drove.

"What the hell were you doing at the hospital Lilith?" He asked.

"Well, it's kind of a long story..." I suddenly felt guilt seep into my heart.

"You better start talking. I would suggest starting with what's in the cooler." He let the anger fill his voice.

"I have a human brain and spinal cord." It flew from my mouth like bullets from a gun.

Obvious shock made his eyes widen. "You're kidding."

"No," I felt disgusted with myself.

"Why in the fuck do you have that Lilith? Jesus fucking Christ tell me you didn't finally give into one of the Necromancer cults." He pleaded.

"No..." I said. "This is going to come to you as a shock, but you have to promise you won't do anything rash. Swear to me Gabriel Grey."

"Fine, I swear." He sighed.

"Cam is alive, and he's a zombie."

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