Chapter 33: Normal (Lilith)

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My brother and Cam sat at the kitchen table with a deck of cards split between the two of them. Both boys flipped their cards over at the same time, playing the game of war. I smiled inwardly, lugging my heavy school bag behind me. The was the first normal day that I have had in a long time. The only thing missing was Mom. She was still away on business, now a traveling nurse.

"How was school?" My brother asked without even taking his eyes off the cards.

"Oh just fine. I got all the schoolwork you missed." I said pulling out three huge folders.

"Thanks," he said while collecting the pile of cards he had just won.

It had been a week since my brother had come home. Cam and I kept constant surveillance on my brother, in case the reaper reappeared. So far nothing happened, but I didn't want to jinx myself by bringing it up. I hoped that María was working fast. I needed that potion, Gabe needed that potion.

Deciding that everything was okay, I padded barefoot into my room. Throwing my backpack back onto my shoulders, I climbed up to the top of my loft to do homework. My bed was where I studied best. At least, it was until I fell asleep. That occurred a lot lately.

The spirit of an old woman crossed through my room. Her grey hair was pinned up in pink curlers, and a floral patterned robe flowed out around her.

"Hello dear," the woman said smiling up at me.

"Hi," I muttered trying to focus on my book. I wasn't in a talking mood.

"Enjoy your studies!" She said before fading into nothing.

"That was weird," I said to myself. I bent my neck, so that my eyes were aimed at the various chemistry equations in front of me. All of a sudden the number went from being blurry, to completely invisible.

Welcome back Spirits, I thought.

Lilith, we have a task for you. Their voices all spoke in unison within my head. Each time they took over my body it made me cringe. I hated not having control.

What task?

Take back the soul fragments from Gabe.

What, why? You know that hurts him! I screamed internally.

We must put an end to this.

An end to what?

An end to his careless soul reaping.

I felt my body push itself up and out of the bed. My feet awkwardly placed as I climbed down the metal rungs of the ladder. As I walked closer to the door my body became more rigid. I tried to stop myself.

Before I knew it I was out in the hall, making my way towards Gabe and Cam. Passing a mirror I saw that my eyes were completely white, as always when I was possessed. I floated into the dining room as silently as if I was one of the ghosts I saw every day.

Cam's eyes widened in shock as I came up behind my brother. His mouth opening in the shape of an o. Before Gabe could turn around my body jerked forwards, plunging my hand into his chest.

Hello lovelies, whose soul fragments do you think will be pulled from Gabe's chest? Let me know what you thought of the chapter. Much love!


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