Chapter 20

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Deven's POV--

I pulled up in the mall parking lot and headed inside, my phone buzzed and I ignored the message and turned my phone off. I wanted time alone, for the first time since I found out that I was pregnant. I needed to reflect and decide what I actually wanted to do. I decided I'd go sit in a coffee shop for a bit. I walked over to Starbucks and grabbed the cheapest coffee on the menu, I still don't have a job since being fired from my last one and I was in no state to start working just yet. I was running out of money and I couldn't borrow any off of anyone. I wrapped my hands around my coffee cup as I sat at the small circular table in the far corner of the cafe. I was pretty much six months pregnant and to say I was scared would be an understatement. I hadn't even informed my parents. I pulled my phone from my pocket and quickly text my Mum telling her I'd come over for a while this afternoon and that I had some news. I read the message I'd received earlier from Jaime and it actually made me smile a little. It was nice to know that Jaime knew I liked my space from time to time, although he must found it awfully strange that I told him I hated being alone earlier this morning. I shrugged it off and scrolled through my contacts purely out of boredom, I hadn't cleaned them out in years and I had a lot of irrelevant people in there including Lexus and Nick whom I hadn't spoken to in almost 6 years. Just seeing their names brought back a lot of memories and I started to miss living in LA and being the rebellious young woman I was. I chuckled to myself and then the memories of me and Jacky flooded into my mind. 


I walked into my Science class and made my way to my desk right at the back of the classroom. I didn't really know anyone in this lesson and that's why I hated coming to it. Plus we always got paired up to do stupid experiments and I wasn't very outgoing, so I wouldn't really speak to people. I took my seat and gave a weak smile to Jacky, He was shy just like me and we only ever spoke when we were forced to do these experiments and today would be no different as I could see the beakers and bunson burners already set out on the desk in front of us. I listened to what we had to do and went and grabbed me and Jacky some goggles and lab coats from the back of the room. I returned and Jacky was already lighting the bunson burner. "Thanks" he stated as I handed him the coat. I just smiled and looked at the notes on the board "Well this one sounds easy" I said as I looked at the arrangement of food samples in front of us. All we had to do was burn each food in a test tube and write down how long it takes to melt. I placed each piece of food in a separate tube and placed them into the rack. Jacky sat down and drew out a table. I watched as he drew the lines in his book and wrote down each of the foods we had to test in separate boxes. I looked around the classroom and noticed that everyone else seemed to be chatting away to their partners and I sighed. Maybe I should try a little harder to speak to Jacky about other things and not just science I mean he seems sweet and Science is always just so awkward. I took a deep breath "So erm how are things Jacky?" he looked up at me from his work 

"Erm, well things are good I guess" he seemed a little taken a back, probably because I usually just stay quiet and only ever speak about the experiment. He placed his pencil down and turned to me as he stood up "How are things with you?" I smiled

"Yeah" was all I could reply. I didn't really know what to say "Sorry I just thought.. We work together nearly every lesson and we've never really gotten to know each other properly" he smiled

"We haven't really have we? I mean we still have at least another six months left of trying not to blow things up together" I chuckled and then it was silent again as I placed a test tube with a cheese puff in it and I watched intently as it bubbled and disappeared. I looked at the stop watch as it disappeared and told Jacky the time and he wrote it down. We continued doing this for the rest of the lesson before the bell went and I left. It was break so I was going to head to the cafeteria and meet my friends in our usual spot. I heard Jacky shout my name as I went to walk out of the classroom door. I turned to look at him and he waved his hand for me to go back over to him, I did so and sat back down on my stool "Do you want to hang out tonight?" he asked and I tilted my head taken aback a little by his offer "S-sure" he smiled

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