Chapter 16 - Thoughts and Odd games

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Hyrule under twilight! ----->

Chapter 16 - Thoughts and Odd games

Link was grabbed through the twilight wall of dark magic by Midna. Fortunately, Fang, Zelda and Serah had held onto each other. Link into a wolf straight away. Fang was confused.

Midna sighed. “The twilight wall turned him into this version of himself. When he hasn't got the Master Sword, he can't withstand twilight without being turned into a wolf." She suddenly looked around. "Where's that spring?"

Fang looked to her right. "You mean that?"

They ran towards it.

The spring spoke to them. "Ah... Chosen Heroes. My name is Eldin. Please collect my light in this vessel. Once you've collected them-"

"Yeah, yeah, we know," Midna interrupted. "Just give us the vessel." The vessel looked like grapes on a vine.

Wolf Link howled. He pushed his head towards a door. Zelda walked closer to him. Link tried pushing it again. She understood and opened the door to let him in.

Inside was a regular house with a kitchen and living room. There were six spirits sitting on the sofa and there was another by the window. The spirit by the window and the adult spirit on the sofa began to talk to each other.

"This is hopeless, Renado!" said the spirit by the window.


"Those bugs are everywhere!"


"No one's going to save us!"


A girl began to cry. The spirit Renado stared at the spirit Barnes.

One of the boys stood up. "Don't worry, Beth. Link will save us. I know he will."

Fang glanced at Link. He had his head down. Midna patted his head.

Shaking his head, Link picked up a stick with his mouth and set it on fire. He had begun to light the torches all around the house. As he lit the last one, the pillar in the middle moved to show a basement. Link threw the stick away and jumped into the hole in the middle of the floor.

 Lightning and Dante had begun to wait. Lightning took her survival knife out that was from Serah. She realised she had never used it before. She remembered giving it to Hope. She suddenly wanted to use it on a demon. She turned around and threw it. She hit a monster. She nudged Dante and put her finger on her lips. He took his sword out. They looked around. They were surrounded. Lightning walked towards the monster she killed. Her survival knife had hit through the heads of three monsters. She took it and ran back to Dante. He fighting against most of them.

"There's too many of them! Use this!"

He gave her a case with a skull on it that had gold glowing lines going around the entire thing. He grabbed grew and turned into his demon form to fly up. She opened the case. Golden light surrounded her hands and a launcher type gun formed from the light. She pulled the trigger and the gun charged up. A few seconds layer, the gun sound twice. She let go of the trigger to pull it again but a laser hit the crowd of sand zombie-looking monsters. She pulled the trigger again. The launcher blew the entire ground up. From the corner of her eye, she saw Nero and Vergil. Vergil stood behind Nero who took Yamato out and slashed at the fire. The magic from the sword hit the fire and the fire was vanished. Once the flame passed, they walked back into the room.

"Hey!" shouted Nero. "We found the way! Dante! Fly here!"

Demon Dante glided towards them.

Fang didn't understand exactly why they had to kill the bugs. They had collected all the light apart from one.

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